Chapter 7 The Surprise

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Chapter 7 The Surprise


We still haven´t told our family or friends about us and I don´t know when we will. My family is coming over for dinner tonight and I told them that I had moved in to another house but I didn´t told them that It was Katy´s house and that we´re together so I gess they would get a surprise for dinner.


I was watching the Ellen show when I heard the front door open and saw Moosse, my dog, run happlily to the door. Katy had arrived. Then I heard her scream.

“Honey i´m home, where are you?”

“In here babe!” I shouted back at her. I saw her got into the room  and sat down next to me.

“So how was your day?” I asked as I pulled her into a hug.

“It´s been long, I felt like the metting was never gonna finish!” she said buring her face on  my chest.

“Ohh I know those mettings are eternal, but at least you didn´t have to dance or something like that” I told her rubbing her back.

“I know at least I am not that tired!” she said looking up into my eyes. We continued watching tv, when the show finished we decided to get ready for tonight´s dinner.


After I got out of the shower I went to my closet to pick out some clothes to wear tonight. John´s parents were coming over because he told them that he had got a ´new girlfriend´ and they wanted to meet her, but they would get the surprise that we´re together again.

As I was looking through my clothes I heard my phone go off, it was my mom, so picked up

“Hi mom!” I greet my mother.

“Hi Katy, how are you?” she said sounding happy as always

“I´m fine, What about you?” I asked her

“We´re great!, So I was calling you to confirm that we´re going to dinner tonight at your place, you know you wanted us to meet Diplo?” My mother said. Shit she´s right they were supposed to meet Diplo tonight! What am I gonna do? I can´t cancel now! Ohhh I know we´re gonna tell John´s parents tonight so we can tell my parents too! Lets just hope that they won´t get a heart attack because of the new!

“oh! Yeah that´s right! I've got a little surprise to you two!” I confirmed her

“Only god knows what you´re up for Katy!” She said making me roll my eyes at her comment.

“Ok mom! I´ll see you in a couple hours, bye love you!”

“Ok bye love you too!” And with that we hung up just when John got out of the shower.


After an hour an a half we were all set waiting for our parents to arrive. We were sitting on the couch inpantietly when we heard the doorbell ring, John got up and looked through the window and whisper  “They are my parents”, so I slowly went to the kitchen, hide and wait until it was time to.


I opened the door after making sure that katy was well hide and greet my parents

“Hello son! Long time no see!” My father said getting into the house and my mother following behind, she was still mad at me because I let Katy go and when I told her that I had a new girlfriend she was really upset.

“Hi mom” I said shysly It really hurt that she didn´t wanna talk to me because of this whole thing with my girlfriend. She turn around and said

“Oh right sorry, hello, how have you been?”

“ I can´t complain. Wanna go to the kitchen?” I asked leading them towars the kitchen door.

“So who is this new girfriend of yours?” my mother asked as she sit down on the table in the kitchen.

“Ohh don´t worry you will meet her soon” I said smiling like a little child who´s hiding something from his parents. “Do you want me to tell her to come down?” I asked them

“Sure, we can´t wait to meet her” my dad said but my mom just kept silent.

“Ok. Honey you can come down now!” I said looking at the kitchen making my parents look too as Katy got out of her hiding place and come walking slowly from behind my parents. When she was a feet away from them she stop and said

“Why are you staring at the door?” my parents surprised that she was behind them turned around so they could see her now. Katy was standing there smiling and when my mother realised that it was her jumped out of her seat and hug her thight.

“Oh my god I can´t believe this! Are you two really back together?” my mom said really shocked but excited at the same time.

“Yes we are and---“ I began explaining but was cut off by the doorbell. Katy went to open it an five minutes later she come back with her parents, they looked shocked at me and then katy.

“Mom, dad you remember John, right?”  she said and then said “Oh and you have already met Margaret and Richard, his parents.”

“Yes we have, and is a pleace to see you again, but Katy would you like to explain what´s going on?” Mary said and everyone nodeed.

“Oh yeah right we forgot that litle ditail” I said “well as you can see Katy isn´t dating Diplo or at least not anymore and I don´t have a new girlfriend” I explained

“Yeah Diplo and I broke up and then well I met John and we talked and you blah blaah blah, and we´re together!” Katy finished liying a little on the ditails but they don´t need to know the exact story.

“so what do you think?” we asked them after a bit uncomfortable silent.

“We are shocked honestly, but really happy for you two guys” my father said

“Yes we´re really happy” Mary said and Keith, Katy´s dad, added “ I´m honestly glad that you´re back John. That Diplo guy didn´t really conviced me enven if I haven´t met him”

 “Why thank you Keith! What do you think if we have dinner now?” I said

“Ohh yeah i´m starving!” Katy agreded.



Everyone just left and we were cleaning up a bit untilwe got too tired and decided that it ws enough and we would clean in the morning.

We went to bed and Katy fell asleep pretty quickly, it´s been a long night we finally told our parents, we just have to tell our siblings, friends and then our fans

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