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"Ugh for the millionth time my name is Isla not Love."

"But for me your name is Love."


"That's my middle name babe."


"Hello, Love?"

What happens when you get a call from a person saying you stood them up on a date? This is what happened with Lavender Lockhart. Well to add on the person was none other than only Bad boy of the town.

The Valentino Costa

One call

One wrong number

It took to send Lavender's life rolling.

She wasn't aware of what fate had in her platters. All she knew was she was in trouble and in deep one when he joins her school.

***************************************************************************************Hey! This story is pure creation of fiction. All references of characters names as well as places and incidents are all imaginations of the author. The story did have explicit language. So understand and refrain yourself from passing rude comments.

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