chapter 5

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Gingerbrave pov

The moment I grab a candy cane I ran back as fast as I can but I was too late he was gone

Gingerbrave:there is no way it can't be maybe he got. . . no maybe he got out and he is outside

The brave child went outside looking for the shy small child but there was no luck the only Lucky had found another cookie who was friendly

Wizard cookie: let's stay here till the morning

Gingerbright:that sounds good I think strawberry should be coming back soon with food

Wizard cookie:that's good

Gingerbright:are you doing alright gingerbrave you have been very quiet

Gingerbrave:oh sorry am just worried about someone I don't know if they are alive or not

Gingerbright:can you tell me what they look like maybe I could try to find them

Gingerbrave:well they have a blue nightcap with a small yellow on the end of it

Gingerbright:ok then don't worry I will try to find them and bring them back here

Gingerbrave:thank you so much

Gingerbright:your welcome

Strawberry cookie:hey guys I came back with some berries

Gingerbrave and gingerbright walk over to strawberry cookie to get some berries

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