chapter 23

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Gingerbrave pov

After I heard that my brother was alive my tone changed I mean it could be him right maybe he did survive what would he say if I saw him

Banana peel:are you ok Gingerbrave?

Gingerbrave:how do you know my name

Banana peel:you're kind of famous in my village

Gingerbrave:oh really wow

Strawberry cookie:well now that we found custard cookie we should be going back

Wizard cookie: exactly

Chili pepper: finally well let's get going back

Chili pepper, strawberry cookie, Wizard, and custard starts walking in the opposite direction as gingerbrave stands right in front of banana peel

Strawberry: are you ok gingerbrave

Gingerbrave:oh am fine you guys can go back to the kingdom without me

Wizard cookie:oh no you don't you better tell us what's going on

Gingerbrave: fine the person custard was talking about maybe my brother

Strawberry cookie:really

Gingerbrave:yeah but banana peel do you know where he is

Banana peel: I do know where he's at but knowing you guys you could be very tired I bet it was a long way here and I need to grab something for my house

Gingerbrave: oh that's fine

Wizard cookie: we do need a break from all that walking

Strawberry:your right Wizard

Chill pepper:that sounds like a good plan

Banana peel:then let's go

They follow banana peel to her home banana the moment they got inside a banana peel started making some tea as the rest of the group sat around the house

Gingerbrave:banana peel

Banana peel: yeah what is it

Gingerbrave:have my brother talked about me before

Banana peel: yeah he said you're a bad person and last night he looked in the mirror and he said that he doesn't want to be your shadow


Banana peel:yeah look I don't know what happened in the past with you guys but maybe if you talk to him I guess

Gingerbrave:yeah that could help

Strawberry walks over to the kitchen as banana peel and gingerbrave looked at her

Strawberry:is the tea ready?

Banana peel: oh yeah the tea I forgot about it sorry

Banana peel takes the tea off the stove and gives it to strawberry cookie as gingerbrave walks out of the kitchen

Wizard:so are we going to see your brother now

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