Sweet Child of Mine

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Hawkins, Indiana January 6th, 1990
"El, what do you see?"
With her eyes closed, surrounded by their friends, Jane Hopper, also known as Eleven, used extra sensory perception and had entered The Void, trying to find Aileen and Eddie. "Nothing yet." She was having trouble trying to find them, searching through the inky darkness. This wasn't the first time their friends had used her to check in on their "missing" friends. Over the years, every once in a while when the group was able to come together, they would ask her to see what they were up to. And she didn't mind. She had never officially met Eddie, but she had met Aileen after moving back to Hawkins in the spring of 1986. Like she was doing now, during the Hawkins groups planning stages of their fight with Vecna, El had seen Aileen in the void before, and had seen what the death of Eddie Munson had done to not only her, but Dustin as well. Which was why on that fateful day four years prior, El had done something she hadn't thought possible. She had somehow managed to barely save the older man, letting the agents at Project N.I.N.A know that a young man had been left in the upside down, was gravely injured and needed to be saved before it was too late. When she had been told they managed to retrieve the man, she had been relieved.

Moving forward in The Void, El heard a feminine voice. "I'm ready." Heading towards the voice, El stopped in her tracks. Through the void, she heard Dustin ask, "El? What's going on?" Aileen stood before her, not that she would ever know, wearing a beautiful ivory dress. She held a bouquet of puffy pink flowers in her hand, and was smiling ear to ear. Smiling at the sight, El said, "Pretty." Steve and Dustin looked at each other. "What? El, seriously. What do you see?" "Back off, Steve." Mike said, pushing the guy. "All she said was pretty, that doesn't tell us anything." Suddenly, the radio in the room buzzed, and voices came through the device. This wasn't something that usually happened when El sought their friends out. She usually just told them what she saw. Which meant something happened. Listening intently, an unknown man spoke about love and God, going on about how the two were connected. "Are they in church?" Still listening, Steve shook his head. "Maybe? But I didn't think either of them were religious." Gently touching El on the shoulder, Nancy asked El, "What's going on?" "Wait." The younger girl answered, a small smile on her face. Eventually, the group gasped when they heard, "Do you, Joseph Anthony Munson..." "Shit, that's Eddies name!" "Shut up, Henderson!" As the voices over the radio continued, realization came over the group. "Oh my god, they're getting married." "Thats why El said pretty. She can probably see Aileen." Listening to the ceremony, the Hawkins gang could hardly believe it. But they were so thankful for El, because despite not being their physically, it felt as though they were able to be there for their friends on their wedding day. Each one wished that they could see their friends. Could see the smiles on their faces. After the vows had been said, and the moment they were sure Eddie and Aileen had kissed, the group cheered. They hoped that someday soon, the two would be able to return to Hawkins, for they were dearly missed.

January 6, 1990. Lenora, California

After getting some pictures taken at the church, Eddie and Aileen made their way back to their trailer for a bit so their friends could finish setting up the reception area before they went to Scott and Mollys place. Going straight to their bed room the two, still dressed in their wedding garb, flopped down on the bed, laughing. Turning her head to look at Eddie, still processing that they were now married, Aileen reached out and caressed his face. "Oh my god. We're married." Rolling over, covering her body with his, Eddie pressed a kiss against Aileens lips, the smile never leaving his face. "Yeah, afraid you're stuck with me for good now, Mrs. Munson." Laughing once again, Aileen gazed up at her new husband with love. The day had been perfect. He had been, and would always continue to be, perfect. When she was younger, Aileen hadn't believed in soul mates. Thought the idea was ludicrous. But, since meeting and falling in love with Eddie, that had changed. He was her soul mate. Her perfect partner. The other half to her soul. With him, she knew that whatever life threw their way, they could handle it. Their past had proved that. And their future would reiterate it. Aileen knew they weren't perfect. But they had something special.

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