Home Sweet Home

227 11 58

Hawkins, Indiana 1987

"Heading out for the day, Sylvia?" Looking over at her coworker, Sylvia Emerson gave them a smile as she continued to pack her bag. "Yeah, Aileen is coming home from her first year away at college. I need to stop by the grocery store and pick up some things for dinner. I want to surprise her with her favorite meal." "Oh, that's wonderful. How has she been doing? I know that she's been going through a rough patch the last year." Thinking about how her daughter had been, Sylvia was contemplative. The last year had been rough. Ever since her daughters boyfriend, Eddie, had been accused of murder and had straight up disappeared off the face of the earth, Aileen hadn't been the same. Sylvia had been extremely worried about her. She knew Aileen was depressed, but she was reluctant to talk about it. Sylvia knew Aileen had to have had some idea as to where the young man had disappeared to. But she insisted that she had no idea. As a result, in an attempt to act as though things were normal and that life had to continue on, Sylvia eventually gave up asking about it. She continued to worry, of course, but she had hoped that if she acted normal, maybe Aileen would eventually return to the perky, full of life young woman she had grown to be before everything had happened. And in the last two months, it felt as though that was happening. Ever since Spring Break, it seemed as though a light switch had clicked in Aileen. When she had returned home the evening after being taken in for questioning by a government agent, it was as though her depressive episode had just completely vanished. Aileen had been chatty, smiling in ways she hadn't for the past year. Sylvia didn't know what had caused this sudden change in her daughter, but she was so thankful to see her daughter back to normal, she dared not question it. The relief of seeing the light touch her daughters eyes for the first time in what felt like ages nearly made her break down in tears. She had dearly missed seeing hope within her daughter. She had briefly thought about asking Aileen that night what had happened, but didn't want to jinx it.

Looking back at her coworker, Sylvia gave her another smile. "Oh, she's been doing great. I don't know what's come over her, but she's called me everyday the last couple months, just wanting to talk. Even came home a couple weekends. She just seems to be better." Smiling back at Sylvia, her coworker nodded. "That's good. About time too. Hopefully its a sign that she's over the disappearance of that killer. I can't believe they still haven't found him. After what he did to those poor teenagers." Sylvia didn't respond to that. She had briefly doubted Eddies innocence after seeing her precious daughter in the emergency room the year before, but the doubt was fleeting. She may not have known Eddie all that well, but she had seen how much he had cared about her daughter, and he had always been extremely respectful. Sylvia knew he looked like trouble, and when she had returned from Denver and had seen the small tattoo he had given her daughter, she had been upset. But in her heart and mind, she knew there was no way Eddie could have killed those young people. The boy had a heart of gold. Waving goodbye, Sylvia left work and made her way to the grocery store, before making her way home, excited to see her daughter.

However, pulling up to the house, Sylvia was shocked to not see Aileens car parked in front of the house. Looking at the time, Sylvia knew she should have made it back by now. Grabbing the groceries, Sylvia figured that she must have stopped by a friends house or something on the way in and was still there. She knew what time dinner usually was so Sylvia was sure she would be back before then. Going about preparing dinner, Sylvia hummed to herself. However, as time ticked on and there was still no sign of Aileen, Sylvia began to worry. Something wasn't right. Going to the phone, Sylvia dialed her ex in-laws number. "Hello?" "Hey, Gareth. It's Aunt Sylvia." "Oh, hi." Twirling the phones cord around her finger, Sylvia asked her nephew if he had seen or heard from Aileen. "Uh, no. Sorry." "Do you happen to have the numbers for any of her friends?" After getting a few numbers from her nephew, she was about to hang up when she heard Gareth call out, "Hey, Aunt Sylvia. Is everything okay? Wasn't she supposed to be back a while ago?" Feeling nervous, Sylvia confirmed things were fine, that she was sure Aileen just got caught up at a friends house. After hanging up, Sylvia began calling each of the numbers Gareth had given her, one after another, starting with the number that led to the video rental store in town. "Family Video, this is Steve." "Um, hello, Steve. This is Sylvia Emerson, Aileens mother. I'm sorry if this seems like an odd question, but have you seen her at all today?" The other line was quiet for a moment. "I'm sorry, Ms. Emerson, but no I haven't." "Do you know if anyone else has?" Sylvia heard a muffled voice over the other line as Steve called out, "Robin, have you seen Aileen at all?...Sorry. She hasn't either." Her panic growing, Sylvia thanked the young man before trying several other numbers. The Hendersons, the Wheelers, the Sinclairs,, the Mayfields. And each young person she talked to had the same thing to say. None of them had heard or seen Aileen at all that day. Taking a deep breath, trying to calm herself down, there was one number she hadn't tried yet. Flipping through a phone book, finding the number she needed, she dialed the phone again, hoping there was an answer, Sylvias breath hitched when she heard a gruff and raspy, "Hello?" "Hello, I was wondering if I could talk to Wayne Munson?" "Speaking." Clutching the phone tighter, Sylvia closed her eyes and prayed. "Mr.Munson, this is Sylvia Emerson. My daughter dated your nephew last year." There was silence on the other end. Figuring the man wasn't going to say more, Sylvia continued, "I know this is probably a long shot, but did Aileen stop by today at any point? She was supposed to be back in town hours ago and she still hasn't come home. None of her friends have seen or heard from her." "Sorry, I haven't heard from her. I hope she pops up. I'll keep my eye out for her. She...she is a mighty sweet young lady. I hope she turns up."

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