Master of Puppets

201 7 71

CW: Mild depictions of violence

November, 1994

Hearing a pounding at the front door, Wayne Munson, having returned home from his overnight shift at the plant only a couple hours prior, sat up in his bed, sighing irritated. He couldn't understand why people couldn't just leave him be. Going to the front door, the pounding continuing, he threw the front door open, his eyes narrowing at seeing who was on the other side.


Wayne's younger brother stood on the other side, a sarcastic smile upon his face.


Sighing, Wayne stepped to the side, letting his brother into the trailer. Dropping his bag by the door, Eric wandered in, looking around, handing Wayne a stack of envelopes. Taking them, flipping through the parcels, Wayne casually commented, "So, they finally released you from prison, huh? What brings you back here?" Going towards the kitchen area, Eric opened the fridge, grabbing a beer, opening it and taking a long gulp from the can. God, he had missed beer. "Figured I come and see how you were doing. Thought I'd check in and see how the punk was doing too. Heard some interesting things while I was in prison. Boy turned out more like me than I thought. So, where is he? In prison?"

Opening an envelope, Wayne pulled out a birthday card, smiling when he opened it. It was from Eddie and Aileen, with a crazy little drawing from Carrie inside. Setting the card and envelope on the counter, Wayne turned towards his brother, thinking about what he just said. "You don't give your son enough credit. He turned out just fine. Doesn't live here anymore though." Finishing the beer that was in his hand, Eric grabbed another, closing the fridge door. He was about to turn away, when he saw a picture on the fridges front. It had been years since he had last seen his son, but there was no doubt in his mind that the man in the photo was Eddie. Even with scars across his jawline, even with age, the boy resembled his mother so much. In the photo, standing next to him, was a young woman. Eddie was in a black suit, and the young woman was in a fancy white dress. Taking the photo off the fridge, Eric held it up, turning to Wayne. "What is this?"

Looking at the photo, Wayne shrugged. "A picture. From your sons wedding day."

Barking out a harsh laugh, Eric looked at the photo again. "The kid got married, huh? I didn't think he would have had it in him." Seeing the look in his younger brothers eyes, Wayne narrowed his eyes. "Now, Eric. I know what you're thinking. And for the love of god, let it be. She's good for him. They are happy." Strolling over to Wayne, drowning the rest of his drink, Eric shook his head. He was about to say something, when he saw the card and the envelope Wayne had just opened. The cards front said, "Happy Birthday, Grandpa!" And the envelope was from "The Munsons" in Lenora, California. Taking a mental note of the address, Eric picked the card up, opening it and reading its contents. "Wayne, what the fuck is this? The little shit has kids too? And they're calling you grandpa?"

Running his hand over his face, Wayne, usually a quiet man, wanted to scream at his foolish brother. "Eric, it's been eighteen years since you last saw your son. Eighteen years since he came into my custody. For chrissakes, he was ten when you were arrested. I was there for every milestone. For every trial and tribulation. That boy has been through more than you could ever know. And he has persevered through it all. Are you really surprised that Eddie has made a life for himself? He's a good kid, always had been. Yes, he is married. And he has two beautiful children that I am proud to call MY grandkids. I know you're up to something. You always are. Just leave them alone. That boy doesn't need any more hurt in his life. He has suffered enough. And like I said, he doesn't live here any more. And I won't tell you where he is."

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