Not Just A Dream: From The Top (chapter 1)

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I was late to a another one of my baseball games. I was runing frantically through the street, probably runing faster then when I was playing. I saw a glimpse of something through the corner of my eye, next thing I new. "SMASH" some boy just ran in to me out of nowhere, it was Vance Hopper. A boy my parents told me not to talk to or go near. I always listened to them no mater what.

He grab my wrist and ran, I was shocked to say the least. I heard screaming from behind us, I looked back to see a group of what it seem to be much older and taller boys chasing us and we were heading the total opposite way from my baseball game. I jolted back to get Vance to let me go, but he didn't, he just clenching on to my wrist and runing.

We turned a few corners and finally lost the group of boys. He let go of my wrist at a side of a building. "WHY DID YOU GRAB ME AND DRAG ME OVER HERE???"
"If I didn't they would of probably threatened you to tell them where I went, I wasn't going to take that chance."
"Well thankes to you I'm really late for my game now!" And with that I left him there.

"Good morning class, as you all know we have the trimester 3 history project today!" The class ground. "Ok that's enough now, I will pair you up in partners, you have 3 weeks. Once I give out the packets you can get started."

"Zayden and Noah, Kylie and Ava, Bruce and Vance." I didn't care who was my partner, I just didn't want it to be vance. Manley of what my parents said about him. After Mrs.Marten called out all the names I walked over to her."Mrs.Marten? Can I swich partners?"
"Oh don't be silly bruce. You and vance will do just fine."
"Oh ok." After geting shutdown I walked over back to my desk where vance was already sitting next to.

"Alredy complaining"
"No, your just not smart enough." Well I was right wasn't I, he's just plain stupid if you ask me. He chuckled then picked up the packed with the list of requirements on it. "The Great Northern War, well that's great, another useless thing we won't need if life."
"Ha, well we're going to have to do it or we'll have to repeat this class next year. So Im doing it, and you better."
"Ugh fine, I hate this class Im not doing is twice."
"K, I'll get the supplies."
"Fine with me, we can go to get supplies together then go to my house to work on it, my old hag won't be home."
"Is vance offering to help? That's new."
"Ya, I gess I am. We can meet up at the front of this hell hole after school."

The bell rang so got our stuff and went our separate ways. After school I waited for vance to show. I thought he dich me but he showed.
"Where the hell were you?"
"Had to finish a math quiz, I swear if Mr.Clark gives me one more quiz this week I will strangle him." And with that we were on our way to the store for supplies.

It was a awkward walk there. Vance must of saw I was shivering cuz he took off is hoodie and held it infront of me.
"What are you doing?"
"Your cold, take it."
" Im fine, I don't need it."
"Can't you let me do one nice thing?"
I saw he was geting a little agitated so I just took it. It was a bit big but really soft. He looked at me but looked back when he saw me looking a him.

We finally got to the store. We picked out everything we needed then went to the checkout. The cashier just looked at us and scanned everything without a word. We were now on our way to Vances house.
"What was her problem?"
"I Don't know."

We sat everything down at the kitchen counter and went throw the packet again. Once we red everything off I picked up everything off the counter.
"Where's your room?"
"We don't have to do the project in there, it's a little messy."
"It can't be that bad." He led me to his room, he was right, it was a mess. But not as bad as my sisters, I could see that he tryed but gave up. It had dirty clothes and dishes every where and was very unorganized. I shut the door.
"Your right, we can do it out here."
He laughed
"Ya" I followed him back to the kitchen laughing. I set everything back down and thought for a moment.
"Oh hey, can I call my parents real quick."
"Yea sure" he pointed to the red  phone on the wall.

"Hey mom"
"Hi honey, where are you? I've been worried sick."
"Im at a friends house for a school project."
"Which friend?" I didn't want to lie but she would call the school if I didn't. "Umm, remember blake?"
"Oh yes, well be home befor dark."
"K, bye"

"Who's blake?"
"I had to lie, she hates you."
"A lot of people do...Hey you hungry?"
"Uh ya sure." He made sum food for the both of us. It was much better then I expected. He was actually a good cook.

I was still wearing his hoodie. "Hey you want your hoodie back?"
"No it's fine, keep it, I don't care."
"My mom would scream at me if she saw me wearing it."
"Seriously?" He chuckled. We both started to laugh. It was actually really fun to laugh with vance. I felt save. It was getting late so I handed back his hoodie and left.
"Hey you want me to walk you home?It's cold and really dark, your house is pretty far."
"No I'll be fine. Thankes tho. Goodnight Vance."
______________________________________________________________________________ Thankes for reading, This is my first story so pleas no judgment😁😁

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