Not Just A Dream: What is this feeling (Chapter 2)

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It was a cold dark night like Vance said. At this point I wished I took his hoodie now. When I got home my mom was already waiting for me. "Bruce!.. What did I say about coming home befor dark!"
"Sorry mom... the walk took longer than expected."
"Well one of the neighbors were driving by and saw you with that Vance boy that I told you not to go near!"
"Don't mom me, just go to your room."

With that I went upstairs, put some pj's on and went to bed. She already took my comics so there wasn't much for me to do. The next day was Saturday, so I was just planing on going to the field to practice baseball sense I already missed the last game.

When I woke up the next morning my mom was still mad at me but tried to hide it. I got ready as usual, grabbed some toast and left. When I was passing by grab-n-go, I saw vance playing pinball again with a at least 5 people watching him.
I picked one of the the empty baseball fields and started to throw the ball up in the air and then catch it. I was doing it for at most a minute or 2.

"Already back at it." I turned around to see vance sitting on the bleachers. "Well I did miss a game cuz of you."
"I like to think of it as like I saved you."
"Saved me?"
"Yea, like one of those superheroes in those comics you read."
"How did you know I read comics?"
"You pull one out every time the teachers get boring."
"So you spy on me?"
"No... I would say observing." We both paused for a moment and just sat there staring at each other.
"So, you want to come over and work on the project?"

He got up and started to walk away,  his hair was covering half of his face cuz of the wind, but what it seemed to be a smile on his face I stared to think how pretty he was. I stared to think twice, what am I thinking, I shouldn't think a boys pretty, it's wrong and disgusting like my parents told me. Am I disgusting...

Later that day I walked over to Vances house and lied to my mom on where I was going. I knocked on Vances door and he answered.
"Hi Vance"
"Do you want to work in my room this time?"
"Oh heck no... It's a mess."
"I cleaned It..."
"Ok... let me see then..." I was really doubtful that he actually cleaned it. We stepped in his room and he actually did a good job.
"Wow... you cleaned it. Did mama have to help you mamas boy." His face tured pink.
"Im just trying to do what you said... so I cleaned it."
"Ok mamas boy." I started to laugh.
"Oh that's how where playing now!!!"

He picked me up and slammed me on his bed. We both started to giggle like little kids, then he started to tickle me which made me laugh to the point were I couldn't breath. He stoped and stared to laugh too. I stared to think again about how beautiful he was and how soft his face looked but immediately shut myself down.

"Vance Im home!" I heared a women yell from the other side of the house.  "Hey mom." Vance steped out of his room. I got up and started to walk out of his room too.
"Your home early."
"Yea... boss let some people out early today, oh who's your friend?"
"Hi, Im bruce"
"Oh I've heard a lot about you."
"You have?"
"Yep, little mister likes to talk about you."
"Well ok, I'll let you guys be." We went back in Vances room, I chuckled.
"Little mister."
"It's just what she calls me..."
"It's sweet."
"No it's not!"

We were working on our project some more when I checked the time.
"6:50 already."
"Yea... I gess I better go here soon then."
"You can stay the night if you want" It was almost like he was begging me to stay.
"No... my parents would flip out."
"Your parents sound like assholes."
"They can be at times." I laughed.

"Are you going already?" Vances mom was in the kitchen cooking something that smelt really good.
"Yea, if am not home soon my parents will be mad."
"Well have a good night then."
"Thank you, you too." I said goodbye to Vance and headed on my way.

The walk home was silent but my thoughts were not. I stared to think how pretty Vances eyes were. It was like I couldn't get him out of my head. Then I stared to remember how disgusting I was for thinking about a boy being pretty. I started to feel bad. I was doing everything my parents told me not to do, but all I could think about was him.

Sorry for taking so long to post this😭
I couldn't think of what to write and Im so busy now😧
Hope you guys are likeing this, trying to get Chapter 3 out as soon as possible💪♥

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