Not Just A Dream:Trick-or-Treat??? (Chapter 3)

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Halloween was on Monday and we had no school but I still didn't have a costume, I already agreed to watch finny, Gwen, and Robin, but besides from that I really had nothing else to do. Finny called and my mom pickup and handed the phone to me.
"What are you going to be for Halloween this year?"
"I don't know, you got any ideas?"
"Well me and Robin are going to be gost and Gwen is going to be a pirate... maybe Vance can come to!" I stared to blush wen finny mention Vance.
"O-oh... I don't think Vance likes to go trick-or-treading."
"Well maybe you could just ask, I got to go, Gwen is calling me..."
"K bye"

"Who was that?" My sister ask "your crush?"
"No, ew it was finny!"
"Why were you blushing then?"
"Its not you business, now leave me alone!" She walked away laughing like the little devil she is and went back up stairs. Maybe I did have a crush on Vance... No that Gross and weird. I can't think that... But maybe.

My sister and me both went to the small costume shop down the round far from any of the house, on Saturday to pick out costumes. There weren't many options since we were late on it. My sister got a pink, fairy costume with white stitches and blue pearls. I had trouble deciding on one.
"Should I get the goblin costume or the wolf one?"
"I don't know... Wait, what if you go as a nerd, you wouldn't even have to dress up for that one!"
"Good one, vary funny now shut up..." I ended up just geting the wolf costume that was a little bit like pjs, but I didn't mind.

The Next day I called Vance to see if he wanted to come trick-or-treading with me and the group.
"Hey Vance!"
"You want to come with me Finny, Robin, and Gwen trick-or-treading!"
"Did someone tell you to ask me?"
"Not really but Finny suggested it."
"What's wrong?"
"Oh um... nothing..."
"Ok well you want to come???"
"Ya sure, that would be great..."
"K, see you tomorrow at 5:30 ish at the park then!"
"Ya...I'll be there"
"Great bye"

Later that day Finny and Gwen came over. Gwen went to go play with my sister and me and Finny went up to my room on the 2nd floor.
"Have you invited Vance yet."
"Ya, just did a couple of hours ago."
"He said yes right...?"
"Ya he did... how did you know?"
"No reason..."

We all met up at the park on Halloween night. Gwen was jumping up and down in excitement.
"Hey Gwen, you sure you need more candy, you look like you are about to have a suger rush..." I blurted out
"No such thing as to much candy, especially on Halloween"

We started to walk down the street and saw billy and Griffen at Mr.Zings house
"BILLY...GRIFFEN" Finny yelling and runing toward them with Robin following. After a moment Gwen yelled
"HEY, WAIT FOR ME!!!" While me and Vance kept on walking.
"Why are you dressed up... isn't that babyish..." Vance said
"I don't think its babyish... I like it."
I said looking down and my costume. The group was waiting for us so they could go to the next house.
"That took you long enough!" Griffen added.
"Ok let's go then." I said pointing to the next house.

Finny bumped into me a bit which made me fall on Vance.
"Sorry!"finny yelled back
"You ok?"
"Ya thanks."
We went on to the next house, then the next, then the next. After about 7 house, Robin and Finny were racing to the next but Robin fell and dropped all his candy. When we were passing Robin, Vance grabbed 2 pieces of candy from the ground that Robin dropped.
"You want one?" Vance showed me the candy.
"Sure!" I grabbed one from his hand.

We walked over to Mrs.Willows house next who was my english teacher. "Hello bruce, arn' t you having a mighty night" Mrs.Willow said as she was giving out candy.
"Yes Mrs.Willow, thank you!"
"Have a good night, see you tomorrow Bruce."
"Have a good night to you to, thank you."
"Who was that?" Vance said.
"My english teacher. " I replied.

As Robin was trying to catch up to us he yelled.
"Dame it, Mrs.Willow gave me a tooth brush!!!" Finny ran back
"That sucks man..."
"Ha, maybe brush you fucking teeth this time." Vance yelled
"Shut up man" Robin yelled back.

We got through a couple more houses befor it was geting really late and only a few houses lights were still on. Finnys, Robins, Gwens, Billys, and Griffens bags were all full and we decided it was time to go home. Billy walked Griffen home while me and Vance walked Finny and Gwen home. Robin wanted to walk himself home so we agreed to let him.

"Hey you want to come to my place?" Vance asked.
"My parents would kill me."
"Com on, live a little."
"No can do, if they saw I was hanging out with you, they would keep me locked up in the house for ever."
"Com on, be a rebel like me, and actually have fun for once."
"It's a school night and I don't want to get arrested multiple times like you, so no."
"What if you say that we were doing our project? You can go home right away in the morning."
"That might actually work...let's do that!"

We walked over to Vances house and we just couldn't stop talking to each other, it was the most fun I had in a long time. I gess I started to blush a little cuz Vance ask if I was cold cuz my cheeks were turning red. When we go inside Vance went over to his moms room to check on her. She was passed out in her bed like Vance told me she probably would be. Vance gave me some of his fresh clothes to wear. They were way to baggy on me but really soft. We didn't do any of the project like he said we would but instead sat on the couch with hot chocolate while watching TV. My eyes were closed and I was about ready to fall asleep. I was to tired to open my eyes but I felt Vance pick me up and carry me to his room, He sat me down on his bed and fell asleep right next me. At that vary moment I felt so loved. I wanted to get up and kiss him but I didn't. I new it was disgusting but I didn't care. It's almost like I regretted not doing it.

Thank you all for the love and support😁
And Sorry it took like 2 months to post this, I'v been realy busy😃🤠
I'll try to post more soon but no guarantee♥♥♥

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