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Aggression: moderate

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Aggression: moderate

Size: 30 feet (length), 12 feet (height)

Weight: 1 ton

Diet: Carnivore

Ceratosaurus unlike most other Theropods have four fingered hands, but unique to this species is that it has three horns adoring it's head. Ceratosaurus' now roaming the mainland are referred to as "Ceratosaurus Rex" or "C-Rex" by DPW agents because it of it's Tyrannosaurus like behavior. 

Like Carnotaurus, Ceratosaurus cannot turn very well while running. Unlike other medium sized theropods, Ceratosaurus is deterred by the droppings of larger theropods then itself. 

Sign of Ceratosaurus territory:

-Lack of presence of medium sized prey animals. 

-Heavily used travel trails that fit the size of a Ceratosaurus

-Medium sized kill sights present with skeletons of prey items 

Do's and don'ts when encountering or inside Ceratosaurus territory.


-Leave the area calmly and orderly 

-Remain indoors if you there is recent reports of a Ceratosaurus near your area

-Keep the animal in your field of vision 

-Use the terrain to your advantage while fleeing 

-Medium caliber firearms are recommended in case you are forced to fight back

-Use of a car horn is recommended to intimidate the theropod (if you are in a vehicle)


-Attempt to intimidate on foot

-Turn your back to the animal 

-Attempt to run away, Ceratosaurus can and will outrun you


And encounter with this species can be dangerous and potentially fatal. If the dinosaur becomes aggressive or too comfortable in it's habitat it may be too late. The advice given here should only be used as a last resort. Avoiding this species is your first and best defense. 


-Whitehorse, Yukon

-Partridge ridge, Canada

-San Diego, California 


-Ceratosaurus' name means "Horned lizard" in Greek. 

-Ceratosaurus is known to sometimes compete with Allosaurus for food in the past. Modern day clones have not been seen competing with them. 

-Ceratosaurus alongside Datousaurus, Spinosaurus, Ankylosaurus, and Corythosaurus were illegally cloned on Isla Sorna in the late 90's. 

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