s1, ep 2 ; guts

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glenn smiled. "there you are. you had us wondering."

"where are you? outside? can you see me right now?"

"yeah, i can see you. you're surrounded by walkers. that's the bad news."

"there's good news?"


"listen, whoever you are, i don't mind telling you i'm a little concerned in here."

glenn grimaced. "oh man. you should see it from here. you'd be having a major freak-out."

"got any advice for me?'

"yeah, i'd say make a run for it. "

"that's it? 'make a run for it'?"

"my way is not as dumb as it sounds. you've got eyes on the outside here. there's one geek still up on the tank, but the others have climbed down and joined the feeding frenzy where the horse went down. you with me so far?"

"so far."

"okay, the street on the other side of the tank is less crowded. if you move now while they're distracted, you stand a chance. got ammo?"

"in that duffel bag i dropped out there, and guns. can i get to it?" juno barely saw the bag amongst the shuffling walkers. absolute impossible to get to. what a shame.

"forget the bag, okay? it's not an option. what do you have on you?"

"hang on."

glenn looked at juno. "was that cool? that felt cool."

juno nodded. "it was cool." she looked back down at the tank. "this is insane. you think we can help him?"

"i hope so."

the radio buzzed."i've got a beretta with one clip, 15 rounds."

"make 'em count. jump off the right side of the tank, keep going in that direction. there's an alley up the street, maybe 50 yards. be there."

"hey, whats your name?"

glenn pulled a face. "have you been listening? you're running out of time." he clipped the walkie to his belt. "c'mon, let's get down there quick."

juno stopped recording and shoved the camera into her backpack. they both quickly decended down the fire escape, the gunfire echoed throughout the street, getting louder and louder. the sound made juno cringe as the sound would surely attract more walkers down on them, not making their 'trapped situation' any better. they jumped from the ladder down into the alley way. glenn ran ahead of her, just reaching the end when the sheriff himself turned the corner, his gun aimed at glenn's face. "not dead! not dead!" glenn cried out. "come on!"

they lead the sheriff back to the fire escape. glenn had lola climb up first, and he quickly followed. sheriff popped off another round. "what are you doing?! c'mon!!" shouted glenn. the sheriff turned and followed, barely getting up the ladder in time. the walkers had quickly crowded the ladder, reaching towards the sheriff's foot.

juno reached the top, then turned to help glenn up. she offered a hand to the sheriff too, who graciously accepted. she noticed the silver wedding band on his finger, and the watch around his wrist---she was a little surprised it wasn't broken.

the three took a moment on the platform, heaving and panting, looking down at the walkers as more and more stumbled their way into the alley and joined the growing crowd, which also meant the growling got louder. mixed with this and the gunshots, it was too much noise for juno. she had to stop herself from holding her ears.

movie reference - daryl dixonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora