Audio files pt.1

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^before this chapter starts,if you are wondering where 'What makes a villian,Lament and misery pt.3' is,then sorry to disappoint but I squeezed it to the second part as I felt that an extend version (usually a chapter is about 1 k + words long ) isn't necessary for the story.If you missed out on it because you read the earlier version of it then please go back and read the last section.

Izuku was looking through katsuki's laptop,revisiting all the pictures and memories of his explosive classmate.He looked throught them,holding back tears that was about to leak down.

Recently,bakugou had passed away due to what seemed to be suicide .The whole of class 1a was pretty much devastated.

Izuku wanted to cry,looking back at Kacchan and him as kids,smiling widely with an all might he wish that he could relive those days when he could feel the bright and beaming younger katsuki,all happy.

Izuku looked at another image.It was of katsuki on the UA sports festival's number 1 stand.During the sports festival,Izuku whipped out his phone and sneakily took a picture off bakugou on the stand with a muzzle and all that stuff.Katsuki even had chains on him,restraining him to a stupid pillar behind him.

But,how could a kid with such a bright future commit suicide?

Izuku then stumbled upon a holder file. files?

He clicked on it and there were several tapes and audios that were combined into one file.

Audio file 1 : ?

Audio file 2 : Deku.

Audio file 3 : suspicions..


Audio file 5 : p1@n.

Audio file 6 : Fį&A1 M3$$*gE +0 TH1$ FUč#^nG w0%lD

Izuku found that the tape names were pretty odd, he couldn't help but get tempted to go throught all the files and hear them.The first few file's names were pretty ok,the last 2...3 files had pretty bizarre names.

Izuku decided to listen to the tapes by chronological order.

He opens the file and closely hears it.

* Bolded words will represent what they said in the audio file *


"Old hag.."

The voice was nostalgic to Izuku,he hears his dead friend's voice again.

"..that old hag came home drunk once more.I don't understand why she has to take out her frustrations on me.At least those stupid extras didn't see the real damage she has done."

But Izuku raised an eyebrow.He didn't know that Mitsuki was a regular drinker,it didn't seem like it as well.

"Today was nothing new,I suppose.She threw a ceramic plate at me and it shattered."

Deku widen his eyes,he couldn't imagine his mother doing that to him in this situation.It is also mentioned that it was 'nothing new' in the audio which concerned Deku.

"It also left a bruise on where it hit me.She demanded me to clean up the mess that according to her, I CAUSED ,LIKE WHAT THE FUCK?! She then blackmailed me to clean up faster or else I'll be sleeping at the streets again."

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