Audio files pt.2

110 1 2

- somewhat gory

Izuku was contemplating about wanting to continue,why would katsuki even say his name in the audio ?



Audio file 5 : p1@n.

Audio file 6 : 25.December.2021.last message

The last 3 audio files...waiting to be opened by Izuku.

Izuku gulps and started sweating a bit.




"...recently confessed to a special someone.I thought they felt the same way I did towards each other.But I guess not.....God...why was I so stupid to confess ? Everyone was staring at me,laughing and buzzing away about me getting rejected."

It was true,Izuku even saw it with his own eyes.Bakugou was confessing to kirishima under the Sakura tree.The setting had the romantic atmosphere as well,Sakura petals slowly falling down around them.Everyone was actually watching them at the sides,wanting to see what happens.

They could see bakugou...all sweaty and anxious.When bakugou confessed,kirishima started laughing And tells bakugou straight in the face. "No."

Izuku felt horrible for katsuki at that moment,awkwardness and hostility filling up the air. Izuku was actually the one whom adviced katsuki to confess to kirishima under the Sakura tree since katsuki did admit his love for kirishima secretly to Deku .that day....that day was DREADFUL.

"Your so dumb to think that I will like you back." Kirishima whines before walking away from katsuki,furrowing down his eyebrows.katsuki tighten his fist that was holding a bouquet of flowers,clutching onto it and dropping it to the ground.

Izuku could feel katsuki's heart shatter to pieces .It is not like Katsuki didn't crush on kirishima for a long time,he has already crushed on him for around 2 years.

Kirishima obviously knew of this but decides to reject katsuki in a devastating way.


"The day gets even more worse when old hag decides to throw a glass bottle at me with full force.some of the shards ended up piercing and stabbing to my hands and torso.It was...rather excruciating to see and remove by one...."

Izuku tensed up a bit while listening to that.

"I hate admitting it but I had fucking mental breakdown in the bathroom after removing those shards,i know.ITS EMBARRASSING.After I removed the shards and wrapped some bandages on the injuries,I slumped back onto the wall behind me and I started sobbing to myself.Even if I passed out due to blood loss,old hag wouldn't care less anyways.oh well....another day,isn't it ?... I hate this world....actually...fuck this world...this is one even cares for me and everything has been going down hill.NO ONE EVEN BOTHERS...."


"I have an idea..."

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