Stranger Things: Henry Creel/001/Peter Ballard

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You were a new Orderly, and you were already running late on your first day of actual work. You ran to the room you were supposed to be at, not realising the door was locked you ran straight into it. Everyone heard the bang and turned to the door. Peter unlocked it, finding you on the floor, rubbing your now sore head. He pulled you off the floor, "Be a little more careful next time" he said. "You're late" Dr Brenner said "I'm sorry." you replied "Next time I won't let you off so lightly" he said.

After the lesson, you left to patrol the Rainbow Room with Peter. While all the children were occupied, you put your head on his shoulder "My head hurts so much" you said "You hit the door with so much force, I'm not surprised" he said. You sat on the floor, Dr Brenner came, you stood up quickly, "(Y/N), that is some bruise on your head" he said "All thanks to a locked door" you said "It's customary to have the doors locked" Brenner replied. "May I be excused, I'm in awful pain" you asked "Peter, see that (Y/N) gets the adequate care for her injury" Brenner said "Yes, Papa" he replied.

Peter lead you out of the Rainbow room, he took you back to your dorm. He got the ice pack out of the fridge, he laid it on the pillow, "Lay on this, it' should help your pain. Is there anything else?" he asked "I feel sick but it's just a feeling" you replied "Okay, that just means I'll be sitting with you for 24 hours" he said "You don't have too" you said "Actually, I do. You might have a concussion, therefore it could make it dangerous if you're not given the proper care when needed" he said.

After 24 hours, you definitely didn't have a concussion, Brenner deemed you well enough to work "How am I well enough, I feel sick still" you said "I don't know, it can last for two weeks, anyway. I'll be there, you let me know if you want to rest" Peter said.

You were called to Brenner's office "we are keeping you on as our staff, apart from you little mishap with the door. You work quite well. But I just can't help notice that you remind me of a little girl I once knew" he grabbed your arm and pulled your sleeve up "Welcome back 003" he said. Two guards restrained you, you thrashed trying to get out of their grip. A needle when into your neck, you fought against the guards but only causing yourself pain as the needle was pulled out. "You May go back to duty" he said.

Peter was in the Rainbow room, with 011. It was her alone time, but due to other incidents she needed to have two people in the with her. She still sat close to Peter because of it. You sat on the opposite side of him "what did Papa want you for?" He asked "I've got the job" you replied "that's good. Doesn't explain the bruise on your neck" he said. You rested your head on his chest, with a shaky breathe, he moved your hair away from your face. You were trying to calm yourself, but each breath came more shaky than the last.

The next shift of Orderlies came in, you and Peter left. He took you to his room, "what happened?" He asked, you rolled up your sleeve "You're one of us?" He asked "yes" you said "How come I don't remember you?" He said "Because he didn't want you to, so he changed what had happened, using drugs" you said "He's put the chip in your neck hasn't he?" He said, you nodded.

You pushed yourself into the corner, you body shook, beads of sweat built up, your breathing was becoming erratic "I'm right here, there's nothing to worry about" he soothed, Peter put his arms around you, he ran his fingers through your hair, massaging your scalp "Focus on deep breathes, you're doing really well" he said. You calmed down, you looked up at Peter "Thank you" you said "No problem, if you feel it happening again I'll help you" he said. You laid your head on his chest, you moved his hand so it rested on your stomach, you could barley keep your eyes open "Go to sleep, I'll go to the infirmary get you a bucket, we'll keep it in here then if you need it, it's always there" he said. 

Peter gently set you down when you'd fallen asleep, he left for the infirmary. He knocked on their door "Peter, what can I do?" the nurse asked "Do you have a spare bucket, (Y/N)'s had a panic attack, she's too exhausted to speak. From what I can gather, she's feeling sick. I'd like to keep it in my room for her then I'm always prepared" he said "Yeah, here. If she needs looking at, bring her here straight away" she said "I will, thank you" Peter said. 

He put the bucket in an easy to reach place, then laid down beside you "Good night, love" he said. 

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