Stranger things: Henry/Peter/001

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You woke up dazed from your nap, you mind still replying the horrifying moments of the dream in horrible detail. You'd been doing some memory work with Papa and Henry. They were desperately trying to see if you could remember what had happened before you started working there.

You stumbled down the hallway, using the wall to brace yourself, you got to the room for testing. "We wondered were you got to" Papa said "I don't feel good" you said "why?" Papa asked "I'm all dizzy and..." you dropped to the floor, Henry rushed over to you, he rolled you on your side, checking your pulse, he pressed his hand to your forehead "high temperature and high pulse. Something is wrong" he said.

You slowly woke up "(Y/N), I'm going to lift you up, and sit you in the chair, we're not doing anything, we need to put you on oxygen and try and cool you down" Henry said. He set you down in the chair, Papa put you on the oxygen, Henry gently dabbed your forehead with a cold cloth. "I remember you" you said "how?" Henry asked "I had a dream, most of it was horrible, but you were the good part" you said. "It works then. That's good." Henry said.

Once your pulse has gone to normal, Henry took you to your room "I love you" he said "I love you too" you replied. He kissed you, more memories flashed in mind "oh my god" you gasped "what?" He asked "I've got more memories" you said. "Come here, let's get them all back" he said, he pushed you down on the bed and began kissing you all over, you started to unbutton his shirt "My number 001" you whispered. 

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