Stranger Things: Peter/001/Henry

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You were running through the corridors of the lab, heading for the rainbow room, with a Demigorgan chasing you. It had been chasing you through the halls, it had killed mostly everyone in its path. You arrived at the doors, you burst through them and barricaded them closed hoping the beast would just leave you alone so you could escape the lab and be free again. The Demigorgan burst through the door and the last thing you saw was is open mouth and its many teeth...

You woke from your nightmare, gasping. You got up and got changed ready to go wake the children. You left your room, Peter was just down the hall "I was just coming to wake you. You look like hell" he said "Great" you sighed "Did you sleep?" he asked "Yes" you replied. You locked your room. After waking the children and taking them to breakfast, you were patrolling the Rainbow room. Dr Brenner came in at 10am to collect the children "(Y/N), you look paler than usual, I would go see the nurse" he said "I'm fine, it's nothing" you replied. 

A week went by, each night you'd have the same dream, and each day you'd come out looking worse. 

It was a Monday, you woken up from the same dream, you headed down to the Rainbow room, like always. You couldn't stop the tears, you didn't care who was around, you found Peter, standing watching the children. You immediately hugged him with out warning. "Hey, sweetheart, everything's okay" he said, it didn't stop you from sobbing, he hugged you, gently running his hand up and down your back, Dr Brenner came to collect the children, he went over to you, he moved your hair "You look like you've barely slept, child. You can't work in this state. Peter, escort her to her room and see what's causing such distress" Dr Brenner said. 

Peter walked you down the corridor, he took you to his room instead. He sat you on his bed "What's been going on, you've never cried like this before" he asked "You'll think it's stupid" you said "I won't, I promise" he said, "Each night, I have the same nightmare, a Demigorgan chases me into the rainbow room, and it's killed everything and everyone, and it breaks in and the last thing I see is the teeth. But there's always so much blood and bodies everywhere and it keeps getting worse" you sobbed "You know I can't promise you that it won't happen, but I can promise you that I'll be right by your side if it does happen." he said.You were still crying, Peter wrapped his arms around you "Shhh, shhhh, you're safe, I won't let anything happen to you. Hush now, it's okay" he soothed. He started to play with your hair, he kissed your cheek. You started to settle down, your breathing became much slower and calmer, you were beginning to drift off, Peter laid you down on the bed "It's okay, I'm still here, you need to sleep. When you're asleep, I'm going to go get you some pyjamas for later, you're staying with me tonight, I'll get you some snacks and juice so you can get adequate rest" he said, you nodded. A few minutes later you'd fallen asleep. Peter left to get everything. 

Dr Brenner stopped him in the canteen "How is she?" he asked "A lot calmer. It's a nightmare, keeps coming back, getting worse each time." Peter replied "I may have to run her through a check, just be sure that nothing's irritating her powers" Dr Brenner said "I'd give her some time to rest and see if it settles down, but I'll keep checking on her anyway. If it doesn't then maybe during the night, she could have a brain scan, see if the powers are activating at night" Peter said "Sounds like a plan" Dr Brenner replied. 

Peter headed back to his room, you were sat up against the wall "What are you doing awake?" he asked "It came back" you replied "Was it the same?" he asked "It was a little different, it caught me quicker but it got you too" you replied. "You go take a shower and get changed, I can cuddle you tonight if you think that might help you sleep?" he said "We can try" you replied. You had a shower, Peter gave you on of the drinks and snacks, While he was getting ready for bed. 

Peter let you get comfortable, you laid your head on his chest, his arm around you, he kissed the top of your head "I'm right here, should anything happen, I've got you safe" he said. "Thank you for this" you said "It's okay, you just wake me up if you need me" he said. 

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