Snowy Savior • Ethan Hunt X Reader • M:I-Ghost Protocol

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A/N: This sorta takes place in an alternate timeline... Not entirely sure of where it would fit, but I wanted to include GP Ethan, because... reasons. Enjoy this mess?


A steady pounding throbs in your head, the rest of your body also protesting in agony.

Why did this Mission, of all the ones, have to go off the rails?

It was supposed to have been an easy task - apprehending the seller and the buyer of some black market arms deal at whatever ridiculously fancy gala you'd found yourself attending mere hours ago.

But - you'd been set up.

Another team, maybe even more than just the ones you'd noticed, were also there.

Presumably from other intelligence agencies, but who knows?

Either way, you'd somehow managed to find yourself alive after one hell of a firefight.

Well, maybe you shouldn't have been alive - you had been at gunpoint...

Before he'd came out of nowhere, swiftly grabbing the firearm from the darkly clad figure's grip and turning it against him, a warning shot being fired into the snowy ground beneath you, the bullet melting the white, quickly revealing the cement beneath.

Your aggressor was sent running after your rescuer had delivered an array of injuries to the man who'd nearly shot you in the head at point blank range.

Almost as if your adrenaline had suddenly ran out, your knees had buckled, the shock from everything that had transpired over the past few minutes finally beginning to sink in.

But, once more, you hadn't fallen.

A steady set of hands had found a firm yet gentle grip on your bicep and wrist as he'd helped you back to your feet, his grip not vanishing.

And when you'd finally looked up, after limping through the snow for a few moments, your weight resting heavily on the man at your side, your heart had sank.

The usually charismatic and warm features of Ethan Hunt almost appeared stone cold - his face pale, green gaze rather distant.

His longer hair had fallen from where it had been pushed back in a neat fashion, dotted with flecks of the large snowflakes falling from the night sky.

But when you'd made an attempt to pull away from his grip around you, his gaze had immediately snapped towards you, a tired, genuine concern heavy in his eyes.

"Let's get somewhere warm," He'd hummed softly as you'd managed a weak nod, the shivers that had been running through you non-stop before beginning to subside, a pang of concern chorusing through you

"You know," You'd mused back in response, using your free hand to tug the flimsy jacket you'd worn closer around your torso in a vain attempt to keep warm. "This jacket is terrible."

At this, your Partner had chuckled softly, somehow managing to seem upbeat, even dispite the fact the pair of you know right well what happens now.

"I honestly wasn't expecting snow," He returned, pulling you even closer into his side as if to offer some warmth.

But, nonetheless, snow had arrived.

And it continues relentlessly, the sudden cold whistle of the wind pounding against the rather rickety window frame above where you lay, making you jump in slight alarm.

You're alone.

Ethan had risked the venture back into the city to gather a few supplies, this particular safe house having never been completely replenished.

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