Part 1: Where are We?

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Previously on Sonic and the Legend of the Order of the Stone: The Rise of the Admin

There are times when the world can feel like a dangerous place…

Where challenges seem nearly impossible to overcome.

Making choices can be stressful at times, as even one small change can turn friends into rivals…

And there will be some who try to take advantage of your kindness.

But true heroes know what to do. They help everyone they can, regardless of their motives, and strive to achieve greatness…

They also inspire others to do the same.

But despite their best efforts…

A hero can still be surprised, as even the most unlikely characters can turn out to be the most dangerous threat of all…

After tumbling through the strange tunnel of colors, Sonic and Jesse finally land face-first on the ground.

Sonic: Ugh... I'm gonna be feeling that tomorrow...

Jesse: Yeah, me too...

As the hedgehog and the young builder get up, they look around to find  themselves in a strange new place surrounded by several high walls of obsidian, some of which contain flowing lava.

Also, the ground beneath their feet is made up of what appears to be dark grey bedrock.

Sonic: (looking around) Where are we? What is this?

Jesse: I don't know, but...

Jesse then looks down to see that his armor is gone and his normal outfit has been replaced with a new one consisting of a white shirt and orange pants with red suspenders.

Jesse: What the-? What happened to my armor? My clothes?

At that moment, Sonic looks down to see that his Golden Goliath Armor has been replaced with an orange jumpsuit.

Sonic: My armor's gone too... (tries to reach into his inventory) And so's my sword and... everything else with it..

Jesse: My inventory's empty too... (looks down at his hand) The gauntlet... It's gone!

Sonic: Yeah... I just hope Jack's alright with wearing it...

Jesse: I'm sure he is. After all, this isn't his first experience with the Admin... (looks around, a worried look appearing on his face) Anyway, we can't just stand around here all day. We need to get out of here... Find the Admin... Our friends!

To this, Sonic says,

Sonic: First things first - We need to figure out what this place is. Once we know where we are, we can get down to the business of finding our friends and getting out of here.

Suddenly, a voice says from behind them,

Voice: The guests will follow the orange line on the ground to the check-in zone.

Sonic and Jesse jump and turn to see that the voice is coming from a jukebox.

Afterwards, they look around until their eyes land on the aforementioned orange line on the ground.

Sonic: Huh...

As the voice repeats itself, Jesse then turns to the jukebox and asks,

Jesse: Hey, who are you, you... disembodied voice?

Sonic & the Legend of the Order of the Stone: The Rise of the Admin - Ep. 3Where stories live. Discover now