Part 5: Meet Prisoner X

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After leaving the Zombie Mines behind, Sonic, Jesse, and friends continue to walk down the hallway leading to Cellblock X.

As the group rounds a corner, Petra turns to Jack and says,

Petra: I'm glad to see that you're okay, Jack.

Nurm grunts in agreement.

Jack: Yeah... It got pretty dicey back there...

Listening in on the conversation, Sonic then turns and asks,

Sonic: So where did the Admin send you after you disappeared from the Ice Palace?

Jack: After the Admin stopped us from leaving, he sent me to this very freaky place...

Shadow: What did you see in there?

Jack: A lot of weird things... blocks, strange creatures, and all kinds of weird things floating around...

Amy: Was that all you saw?

Jack: Actually... no. I also saw Beacontown... They're all pretty worried about you, Jesse. They're wondering where you are...

Shadow: And now, the Admin's already on his way there...

Radar: All while wearing Jesse's face!

Stella: What about Champion City? Did you see what was happening with them?

Jack thinks for a second and says,

Jack: No... I... I didn't see what was happening there. And besides, the Admin's focus seems to be on Beacontown right now...

Hearing this, Stella looks down with a worried look on her face.

While Stella tries to hide her expression from the group, Jesse looks back at her with a sympathetic look before turning his attention back to Jack.

Jesse: The Admin won't get away with this. Causing an eternal night and winter was bad enough, but going back to Beacontown and pretending to be me? We can't let that slide!

Sonic: We won't. As soon as we get back there, we'll make sure the people of Beacontown learn the truth...

Jesse nods to this while Lluna tries to run ahead.

Noticing this, Stella runs after the llama and grabs onto her scarf, saying,

Stella: Now hold on, Lluna...

Lluna bleats angrily before pulling back hard.

Stella: (pulling) Lluna!

Looking concerned, Sonic and Jesse approach Lluna, with the former saying,

Sonic: Take it easy, Stella...

Jesse: You don't have to be so hard on her...

Stella: (still pulling) What are you talking about? This is... just how I... keep Lluna in line!

Sonic: Stella, you're hurting her by pulling on her scarf.

Looking down at her hand on Lluna's scarf, Stella then says,

Stella: Oh! I, uh...

Sonic: With how you've been treating her, I can kind of see why Lluna ran off before.

Looking confused, Stella then says,

Stella: I... I'm not sure what else I could do... I've been treating Lluna like this for so long that I... I just don't know...

Sonic & the Legend of the Order of the Stone: The Rise of the Admin - Ep. 3Where stories live. Discover now