A New Day

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It was a beautiful day in the Kingdom of Enchancia. Sofia and her two siblings are getting ready for their visit to their Welshire friends.

"Amber, come on!" Sofia called out to her sister as she board on their coach with James right behind him

"Just wait a few more minutes Sofia! I'm waiting for Hildegard" Amber replied

Sofia and James looked at each other.

"Why are you waiting for Hildegard, Amber?" James asked his twin sister

Amber smiled, "Because I invited her to join our play date with our friends in Welshire" she replied.

A few minutes later, they saw Hildegard's coach arriving.

"Hildy! You made it!" Amber beamed

Hildegard got off her coach and smiled brightly, "Told you I would make it" she replied as she hugged Amber who hugged her back

"Now come on! We don't want to be late" Amber said as she dragged her friend to their coach

Amber and Hildegard both got on the coach and sat next to each other while James sat with Sofia. They all greeted each other and Amber turned to the coachman

"Coachman, to Welshire castle please" Amber said

"Yes your majesty" The coachman replied as he took off.

~~~~~30 minutes later~~~~~

"We're here!" Sofia beamed

The 4 young royals all looked down and saw the Welshire castle. As they near the entrance, they can see the whole Welshire royal family waiting for them.

Trumpets played in the background as the Enchancian coach landed safely in front of the royal family

"Hugo!" Sofia beamed, seeing her bestfriend/boyfriend as she quickly got off their coach

"Sofie!" Hugo yelled as he immediately rushed to hug his girlfriend/bestfriend

After a few seconds of hugging, they broke the hug and Hugo greeted his other friends.

"Hey James, Amber" Hugo greeted

"Hey Hugo" James greeted back

"Good Marrow" Amber curtsied

Hugo looked behind Amber and saw someone with them, "I didn't know Hildegard is coming" he said

"Amber invited me at the last minute which made me don't have the time to get ready and pack for some things" Hildegard replied as she playfully glared at Amber who just giggled.

"Hey Axel, Hi Leona" Sofia greeted happily as she hugged her friends who hugged her back

"Are you ready for our playdate today?" Sofia asked excitedly

Leona nodded, "I'm looking forward to it since it is most likely the start of our vacation ever since we graduated at Royal High just...3 days ago" she replied

Axel chuckled, "Indeed it is baby sis" he said, "Also we had something planned today" he added

"What kind of plan?" Hildegard asked

King Garrick and Queen Samira smiled at the young royals.

"How about we all come inside so we could discuss it while we are sitting down" Samira giggled as she and Garrick led the Enchancians and Hildegard inside the castle with their three children following behind.

Once they are all in the Dining hall, they all took a seat while they were serve with freshly made pancakes.

"So, what's the special plan for today Queen Samira?" Amber asked

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