Simpler is Better

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Once they arrived at the ballroom, they all sat down in a circle.

"So Leona, what kind of tea party are you thinking?" Hildegard asked, "It better be a fancy one" she added

Leona frowned, "I'm not a fan of fancy stuff but I was thinking of doing an outdoor garden type of tea party" she replied

"Oh! it's just like my tea party" Sofia said

Amber smiled and nodded, "What about the theme of the party?" she asked

Axel smiled, "My little sister is has decided, her theme will be Starry Night" he answered

"Starry Night?" James asked

Hugo chuckled, "It's basically a tea party hosted at night under the stars, and we'll be doing that in our garden" he answered

Leona nodded, "And there will be fairylight hanging by the trees, firelight dancing around while the stars shine at the night sky" she added

Everyone liked the idea

"I'm already imagining it and it looks magical!" Ambet squealed

Sofia giggled, "I know right! You tea party will be much more magical than mine" she told her friend

But Hildegard didn't like the idea, "But isn't that a bit too dull? I should have even more decorations like statues, animals, an orchestra or anything" she said

Everyone glared at her

"Hildegard, this is not your tea party, I was in a similar situation when Sofia hosted a tea party...and I will always respect my sister's choice" Ambet smiled and Sofia smiled

"So...this is Leona's tea party, her first ever, so just go on and support her idea or if you don't want, you can just leave" Amber huffed

Hildegard was shocked and hurt at what Amber said and just stayed silent

"Well that was something" James said

"Yeah" Sofia replied

"anyone got more ideas?" Hugo asked

Meanwhile, Leona leaned closer to James and whispered, "thanks for breaking the awkward tension James"

James blushed a little and laughed sheepishly, "It's no biggie" he replied

Leona nodded and turned back to her friends and brothers

"All I wanted was a simple party and no more else" Leona said, "A tea party under the starry night sky, a few fairylight hanging by the tress, fireflies dancing and a table for all of us" she added

"I live the idea" Amber beamed, "And it's a very simple yet magical one" she added

"I guess so" Hildegard mumbled

"Oh! Your party is going to be fabulous!" Axel beamed

Leona raised an eyebrow, "How do you know that?" she asked

Amber smirked, "Because you have a secret weapon" she said

Leona tilted her head curiously, "What's that?" she asked

Sofia giggled, "All of us!" she answered as they all started to sing


The day that I turned three,
They threw a darling little party just for me
But when I saw that cake
I used yo look and said, "There must be some mistake"
It only had one layer
It was small as could be
And what good is a cake that isn't taller than me?

[Book 17] Sofia the First: The Perfect Tea PartyWhere stories live. Discover now