The Apology

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It is the day of the tea party, Princess Leona was in her room playing with her pet tiger, but she was not in the mood going outside so she justbstayed in her room.

Suddenly a knock was heard.

"Enter" Leona said

She looked at her bedroom doors and saw her brothers, the Enchancian siblings and Hildegard enter

"What do you need?" Leona asked

Sofia smiled, "Well baby sis, a certain someone want to make an apology" he told his sister

Hildegard walked over to Leona and looked down and sighed

"Look Leona...what I said back there yesterday, I didn't mean to say all those things, I really didn't..." Hildegard said, "I am really sorry for that and it's okay if you don't accept my apology" she added

"Though, what you said to me yesterday, I deserve that" Hildegard finished as she looked at Leona whose eyes softened

"I have to admit, I was a bit hurt at what you said, and you did other things to me ever since I started going to Royal High" she muttered out, "But I'm glad you realized your mistakes Hildegard, and I accept your apology" she added

Hildegard smiled and hugged Leona very tight which made the latter wheeze

"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!" Hildegard beamed

"Hildegard....too tight...can't breathe" Leona gasped out

Hildegard's eye widen as she immediately let go of her friend, "sorry" she said sheepishly

Axel smiled, "Now that you two have worked things out, the garden is ready for your tea party baby sis" he announced

"And, mom and dad will be here soon" Hugo added

Leona nodded as she hopped off her bed and stroked her tiger's ear

"Wanna come to the party Felicie?" she asked the feline who roared in agreement which made everyone giggle and Leona just shrugged

They all left the room and went out to the garden

[Book 17] Sofia the First: The Perfect Tea PartyWhere stories live. Discover now