Chapter 18

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Peyton was so on edge on the plane. She made it to the airport on time and flew from Virginia to New York with no problem to meet up with Sebastian and Claire so they can all fly together to London for the grand opening of Felicity's new bar. She wanted to be there for the ribbon cutting but the flight was delayed and now they were going to miss it. She hadn't seen Tom in weeks and missed him terribly. Hating that he was in London, where Zawe was. Shaking her head, she had to trust him.

Claire noticed Peyton being fidgety. She placed her hand on Peyton's arm. "If your fidgeting could make the plane go faster, I wouldn't stop you."

Peyton smiled. "I hate this feeling. It's the same feeling I had when I found out Zach was in LA. I knew Fey was in trouble then and now I have the same feeling." Peyton looked at her watch. "Argh, another two hours."

"Do you need a drink?" Sebastian offered. Peyton shook her head and grabbed her phone to let Felicity know they were running late.

When they arrived and walked down to baggage claim, Chris was there. Luckily, they all arrived together. Luke had a driver pick them up so they all got in the car. They were taken to the club immediately, arriving to a huge crowd in the front.

"I'll wait right here until you are all ready to leave," the driver told them.

"It looks like one heck of a turn out. I'm so happy for her," Claire said. They all climbed out of the car.

Peyton noticed Zawe talking to Felicity. "You bitch!" she exclaimed as Chris and Sebastian jumped in front of her to hold her back.

For a small person, she was quite strong, Sebastian thought to himself.

Seeing Tom with Zawe was the final straw. Her heart just broke. She barely remembered Fey talking to her to calm her down and then she said something to Tom before she ran back to the car. Sebastian and Claire followed her. They had the driver take them to the hotel. When they got to the front desk, Peyton talked to the concierge. Peyton was making other arrangements. She wanted to be alone.

Claire walked over to Peyton. "Is your room not ready?"

Peyton just shook her head. "I'm not staying here. I want to be alone." Claire started to protest but Peyton put her hand up. "I know Tom will come looking for me and I just don't want to see him right now."

Claire nodded her head. Sebastian walked over to them. "What's going on?"

"I'm leaving. I can't stay here," Peyton informed him.

"Leaving London?" he asked.

"No, just this hotel. I'm staying someplace else. I'll text you when I get there." Peyton hugged them both as Claire's phone rang. She showed her it was Tom.

Peyton shook her head as Claire answered. "Hello? No Tom, she's not here. She came with us but then she left. I have no idea where," Claire said as she watched Peyton walk out of the hotel room.

Tom couldn't believe it. He knew Claire was lying. He hung up with her and called Sebastian. He told her the exact same thing. Tom explained to him what happened. How Zawe was pushed into him and he was just steadying her so she wouldn't fall down. It was innocent and no one let him explain. Frustated, he tried calling Peyton's number again but it went straight to voicemail. He ran his fingers through his hair. Everyone hated him. What was he thinking going to Zawe when Peyton was right there? He was so happy to see Peyton but before he could say anything, she let him have it. He was at the wrong spot at the wrong time, or was it all planned by Zawe? Letting out a frustrated sigh, he called Luke.

"Please Luke, you have to find her for me. No one will tell me where she is," Tom begged.

Being with Tom for so long, his loyalty was with Tom but after spending these last few weeks with Felicity, he understood why they were so close and protective of each other. "I'll try but what were you thinking?" He heard Tom give out a sigh. "She needs this time alone. If you go to her tonight, she'll be even more angry and might say things she'll regret. Trust me, give her some time."

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