Chapter 21

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Grumbling Chris wakes up from his sleep. The room was bright. Too bright. When he finally cleared his head he realizes he is on the couch. He must have passed out there. Still in the clothes from last night. Rubbing his eyes in an attempt to dull the throbbing headache he has he sighs. Remembering Peyton and Tom came to the bar last night. She gave him one hell of a stern talking to. But she was right to. Everyone has been. He is being a jerk. He loves Felicity more than anything. Her, their children and their fur babies are his whole world. They are also right that he is going to lose her if he doesn't fix this. Zach having a big part of raising his kids is not right. Being there more than Chris would. A father. Him taking care of her pregnant is not what should be happening. Those late night cravings she was having? That should have been Chris doing that for her. Not him. Zach's words fill his head. How for years she wanted Chris. Knowing somehow they were supposed to be together. Now being sober he truly sees what Zach was doing. Trying the best way he knew how to get Chris's head straight. Knowing his jealousy would show him what he needed to do. Telling Chris all of that. It must have killed Zach, who truly loves Felicity. Chris has no doubt if he doesn't handle this soon, Zach will say screw it and take over. He won't allow Fey to be alone through this. Especially after all the guilt he feels with what happened between them. He slowly sits up. Painfully at that. Putting his feet on the floor he looks to the table. There is a note with his name on it. Great. Must be from Peyton telling him what an asshole he is again. Might as well get this over with he thinks as he unfolds the paper.


I know right now you are just seeing things one way. I can understand how hurt you are. You feel like she will love him always and you will always be second. I have lived that until recently as you know. That is the furthest thing from the truth. For the both of us. I've been Felicity's best friend, a sister really, for over a decade. There was never a day in that time where she never didn't mention you. More than once in a day in fact. Even in the time that I know now she was with Zach. You're her biggest dream. One for years she hoped for. Longed for. Never thinking she could ever have because she always felt she was not good enough for you. That you deserved more than her. Would want or need someone "better" in her eyes. She settled for Zach in my honest opinion. Because she was unworthy of you in her mind. We both know that isn't the truth but, she has her reasons for feeling that way. I don't know what she has told you about her past but Levi was the least horrible thing that has happened to her. I'm one of the very few people she has ever trusted fully with all of it. I would never tell a soul if I didn't know in my heart it was necessary. Now it is. Her father she talks about isn't her birth father. That dick left before she was born. Abandoned her mother and two brothers for some twenty something flight attendant. Leaving them to struggle for years. Her stepdad is amazing. He loves her more than anything but when you are a little girl. Hell, even when you're a grown woman. If that happens you wonder why your father wouldn't want you. She blames herself. She feels like it's her fault. That there must have been something wrong with her. That he didn't want her. That her mom and brothers had to handle a harsh life because she was brought into this world. In truth the world is a better place because of my sister. When she grew older and started to explore love, a bad relationship throughout high school. Being cheated on and left. She told me she should have known then she wasn't destined to be happy. To have joy in her life. It got worse when she was twenty, when one beat her almost to death. And I'm not over exaggerating when I say that. Her mom showed me the pictures from the police file. They were horrifying. She was in a coma for three months and in the hospital for four more after. There wasn't a spot on her body not covered in bruises. Her brain swelled. He did other horrible things to her that I can't even think of let alone write. He is still in prison for what he did to her. She kept going though after that though. She is the strongest person I have ever met to do so. God knows I wouldn't want to live after what she went through. She grew and finally was happy again when she met her ex-husband. Yes, she was married for a short time. He left her for another woman as well. Years went by of trying to find her happily ever after. Zach being one of them. When he left, I knew for a year something was wrong. I didn't know what I do now and that kills me. But she would never tell me. I wish I would have pushed more for her sake. So I could be there for her the way she always has for me. I'm so blessed to have her in my life. I hope I have the chance to again. After that year or so of suffering, she met Tyler. He was an incredible man. Loved her with every inch of his being. Treated her the way she should have always been. They had a great life together. Talked about the future. Having a family. Opening the club they had just put the down payment on. The one you met her in. Just when life was finally giving her what she so deserved, a drunk driver killed him. Everything she ever hoped for was gone in an instant.

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