14: Butt Raping Aliens

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Frank was jolted out of what might have been the best sleep of his entire life by an angry pounding on his bedroom door, which was the first strange occurrence of what was going to be a morning full of them, Frank just didn't know that yet; he barely even knew where he was at the moment.

He just wanted whoever was disturbing his slumber to leave him the fuck alone so he could resume his pleasant dreams, but the person on the other side of the door obviously hadn't received the memo that Frank wasn't ready to get up yet.

"Frank - wake the fuck up right now or I'm coming in there!" Jamia's familiar voice called out, ruining Frank's attempt at falling back asleep.

Jamia was Evan's sister, and he had only hired her on as a secretary because of his best friend's pleading to get her out of the house, but she had actually turned out to be an invaluable asset to his practice. She had a sharp mind and a way with people that Frank just couldn't emulate, and over time, he gave her more and more responsibilities, along with a key to the clinic so she could have access to the paperwork whenever he wasn't home, which he was severely regretting right now.

"What the hell are you doing here Jamia?" Frank croaked out, still not making an effort to get out of bed, or even open his eyes just yet.

"Waking up your sorry ass - that's what! It's already eight o' clock, and the patients are going to arrive any minute," she sighed in exasperation, her words finally giving Frank some motivation to move when what she had said sunk into his fuzzy brain.

"What the fuck - it can't be?" Frank mumbled to himself, but when he turned his gaze to the old alarm clock sitting on top of his dresser, he saw that Jamia wasn't lying, and Frank had somehow managed to sleep in, which was not a regular occurrence for him at all - actually, he couldn't recall the last time this had happened, but it was probably back in college.

"Are you getting up?" Jamia yelled, punctuating her question with a few more raps on the door, just for good measure.

"Fuck - yes I am! Have the interns take the clients they can handle, just the yearly shots and shit, and I'll be right down!" Frank answered back, trying to keep the rising panic out of his voice so Jamia wouldn't be tempted to come in and see what was wrong. For some reason, Frank was naked, even though he always slept in some form of clothing; maybe he had gotten too hot in his sleep last night and removed them. Either way, he could not let Jamia see him this way.

"You are so lucky you have me around," Frank heard Jamia mutter as she stalked away from his room to go deliver his message, and he breathed a sigh of relief at the fact that she hadn't just barged in, because he wouldn't have put that past her.

Frank was shocked at himself for not waking up sooner; even with his late night, he never slept past six in the morning, and he should have heard his alarm at the very least, but apparently he had been more tired than he thought.

Frank got his second surprise of the day when he swung his feet over the edge of the bed and basically ended up collapsing to the ground when a hot spike of pain shot up his back.

"What the hell?" Frank groaned weakly, trying to stretch out his aching muscles, but the extra movement only made the fiery burn worse.

Frank remembered this feeling, but there was no way it could be what he was thinking, still - what other explanation was there? The only time Frank had every experienced anything like this was after a good fuck, but he had stayed home alone all evening and fallen asleep watching Criminal Minds...hadn't he?

Limping over to his dresser as quickly as he could, Frank checked the spot where he always kept his vibrator, but it hadn't moved, and Frank was pretty sure he would remember using it, it wasn't like he had gotten drunk last night or anything...right? Plus, he never felt like this after using his toy; it may be a decent substitute, but it wasn't the real thing, and this was the kind of ache only a real dick could provide.

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