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half the day had passed and jisung now had a free period. he couldn't keep himself busy so he just found himself walking around the school. seungmin was doing some assignment, chan was in class and he assumed felix was still skipping.

he decided he'd go to the roof, no one should be there around this time. after walking up the stairs, he opened the door and took a deep breath of fresh air. however he felt his nose get assaulted by the smell of smoke. at first he was worried but that feeling soon faded when he saw a familiar figure sitting on one of the benches.

"you know you're on school grounds right?"

the other looked up at jisung. his fringe was so messy and all over the place, jisung could barely see his eyes. he walked up to him, now standing right in front of him.

jisung felt nervous talking to him. not only was the other very pretty, but he was the one who'd aggressively flicked a cancer stick at him.

"who gives a shit. now scram."

minho was as rude as ever. jisung wondered how a sweet boy like felix even ended up talking to him.

"why are you still here. i told you to leave", he groaned and jisung only folded his arms. he might've looked confident but he actually had no idea how to handle the situation. he wished he'd let chan handle this.

minho was still sat on the bench as jisung loomed over him. that changed fast though when minho stood up. he was slightly taller than jisung, making jisung look up at him a bit.

minho took a step closer to jisung and held the cigarette to his lips but jisung only swatted his hand away. the other sighed dramatically. "it was just an offer."

"no thanks", jisung said.

minho shrugged, raising the cigarette to his lips. "suit yourself. more for me." he took a deep breath and proceeded to breathe the smoke out. jisung couldnt help but think he looked ethereal.

"smoking's-" "bad for you? no fucking shit", minho grinned with a gleam in his eyes.

"why do you do it then?" jisung asked him with furrowed brows.

"none of your fucking business", minho said, shoving jisung a bit. "just because you're friends with felix or whatever doesn't mean we're besties now." jisung raised his arms defensively, not wanting to irritate the other.

"just please don't do it on school grounds. what you do in your free time is none of my concern", jisung reasoned as minho sat back down.

"i'll do whatever i want."

chan was right, this guy was a menace.

jisung just quietly watched minho finish his cigarette and throw it on the ground, stepping on it. his eyes widened when minho reached into his pocket, taking out his pack of cigarettes and lighter. before he could pull out another cigarette, jisung leaned forward and snatched both the pack and the lighter out of the other's hands.

he took a couple steps back and eyed minho who stared at him, visibly annoyed. "what the fuck do you think you're doing?" he questioned, getting up and walking toward jisung.

"helping you", jisung said as confidently as he could but he couldn't help but be a bit scared of minho.

"no you're not", minho spat as he tried to grab his cigarettes. he failed when jisung held them as far away from him as he could.

"just give them back jisung. don't be so difficult", he groaned. minho reached out once more but ended up crashing into jisung instead. jisung stumbled back a bit but minho kept them from falling by wrapping his free arm around his waist, stabilizing them.

the younger visibly gulped. he pulled the pack and lighter close to his chest, clutching them tightly so minho couldn't take them back. minho didn't even notice, too busy thinking about how slim jisung's waist seemed in his hold.

their faces were insanely close and jisung could feel minho's breath. he smelled of cigarettes but it didn't bother jisung in that moment.

"one day."


"i'll take your cigarettes for one day. i'll give them back tomorrow, i promise. just try not to smoke for one day. one day is all i'm asking for."

minho stayed silent and only stared at jisung. he couldn't figure out why he was being so persistent. he sighed and slowly let go of him.

"fine. one day. but i'm expecting my cigarettes back first thing in the morning."

his cigarettes | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now