--=The Arena=--

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*Small Violence warning for this Chapter. I did not make it graphic, and there is no blood, but there is one death. (Just putting this in for people who are super sensitive) *

Scarlet grinned as she strode out onto the platform, you still clutched in her tail. Below, Dragons were already starting to file and fly themselves down into the stands surrounding the arena. most of the stands were already heavily packed with Skywings and Sandwings, and it seemed like many Dragons were still on the way. 

"Oh... You're going to enjoy this..." She said to you, which honestly did nothing to reassure you. 

At least I know as I fact, that I am not going to die today... I think... You thought, thinking back to the private little chat you had just experienced with the terrifying Queen of the Skywings. 

Your body and ribs still ached and hurt from when she had squeezed you. It felt like some of your ribs were badly bruised, however, now that you thought about it, it didn't feel like anything was broken, which was a relief. 

"Welcome, welcome everyone! To today's exciting Arena Battle!" Cried Scarlet, as she stood over the stone perch, overhanging the arena. To a Dragon, it wasn't very high off the ground, but to you, a Huaman, you would probably break every bone in your body if you fell off. 

Good news: That was not going to happen, because you couldn't even move.  Your body was being held tight and snug in Scarlet's tail coils, so it wasn't like you were going anywhere. You still were trying to process the fact that you were here with Queen Scarlet at this very moment. You still couldn't quite understand why she had been so insistent that you watch the battle with her. Let alone why she didn't just put you back up on the sky platforms, with the rest of the prisoners... and Tsunami... 

You winced as the enormous crowds of Dragons roared and cheered in the stands surrounding the circular arena. Unfortunate for you, you were getting the best view of the battle ground, along with Scarlet, which meant you would get the best view of Dragons being torn to pieces.  

Truly 'Thrilling' indeed. 

However, you weren't focused on that, your eyes were scanning the stone platforms above the arena, looking for any hint of not just Tsunami, but any of the other Dragonets of Destiny. 

After a bit of a search, you managed to spot Starflight, Clay, and Tsunami. Each of them had been placed opposite of each other, probably to prevent them from talking to each other. 

The moment you spotted Tsunami, you waved and called out to her, trying to get her attention, but she didn't seem to hear or see you. Of course, she didn't. You were a tiny Human, held by a Dragon that was probably thirty times bigger than you, and not to mention the fact that any noise you made would be pathetically quiet compared to the noise all these other Dragons were making, and would easily be drowned out by the crowd. 

Scarlet spotted you waving, before looking over to see what you were waving at. You stopped quickly, as you didn't mean to attract her attention. She stared at Tsunami for a second, before leaning down and hissed to you. 

"Ha! Don't think your Dragonet friend can help you now. She's just another prisoner, ripe for the arena! Don't worry, perhaps you'll get to see her die before Burn takes you away. But for now... It's just you and me~"

She said, leaving you trembling, before turning her attention back to the crowd. 

"Alright! Before we begin today's battle, I have something I want to show you all..." She said, before gesturing to the guards behind her. You hadn't noticed it, but there was something covered with a white cloth at the end of the platform. That was until the guards, picked it up, and placed it next to Scarlet. She nodded her head, before one of the guards ripped the cloth off, earning a gasp from you, and the rest of the crowd. 

Pyrrhia's Human (WOF x Human Male Reader) VOLUME 1Where stories live. Discover now