--=Growing Feelings=--

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Tsunami rushed over to Y/N, and picked him up, not even bothering to try and keep the concern out of her voice. 

"Y/N! Are you alright!? What happened!?" She asked, demanding a response, but didn't get one. Y/N's body was limp. Just before she began to fear the worst, she spotted the faint rising and falling of his chest, and the faint sound of his breathing. 

He's just unconscious... Tsunami thought, feeling slightly better now that she knew that Y/N hadn't just straight up died on her. She looked down at him. He looked so small, and delicate compared to her. He also looked kind of cute, Tsunami had to admit, as she ruffled the strange mass of hair on his head.

"What has Scarlet done to you..." She murmured, as she looked over his body. It was covered in bruises and scrapes. Especially around his arms and legs, which weren't covered by the strange coverings that Scavengers usually wore. She guessed it was from when that horrible Skywing had thrown him roughly onto the pillar... as it wasn't exactly a soft landing, but still...

Poor Y/N. I suppose I'll just have to add this onto the list of horrible things Scarlet has done. She thought as she sat on her haunches, at the center of the platform, cradling you. 

Her bio-luminescent scales glowing slightly, lighting up the platform. By now, it was once more getting dark, as the sun was setting, however, one thing never changed, and that was the wind. It was constantly blowing. Creating a chill in the air. All through the day and the night. All around her pillar, were other Dragons, still chained to their own platforms, being held prisoner like her. Some of them glanced over at Tsunami, as her scales glowed dimly, making her stand out slightly in the growing darkness. 

Tsunami sighed. She had missed Y/N's company. Even though she hated and refused to admit it, she generally did care about him, but she couldn't find the words to explain why. Why she always felt so warm when she held him, how he somehow managed to cheer her up whenever he made a bad joke. The fact that he acted so comfortable around her, despite her being able to easily kill him through a number of ways. 

He trusted her. Even though he was a pitiful Scavenger, and she was a mighty Dragon. Surly that should mean something... right? Shouldn't he still be afraid of her?

She got up, walking over to the edge of the platform, looking down at the palace below. Still holding Y/N's body. Her chained, clamped wings tucked neatly at her sides. 

All I know, is that Scarlet must pay for what she has done. To Y/N, and to me, and my friends. If we really need to fulfill this stupid prophecy, surely there has to be a way for us to escape. She thought as she settled down, laying on her stomach, still keeping Y/N close to her. 

He was pretty beaten up, and she certainly didn't need him freezing to death from the constant wind now that she had just got him back. 

A sudden groan pulled her out of her thoughts, before she suddenly felt Y/N squirms slightly in her grasp. 

"W-Wha... where am I? Before he yelled in terror, sitting up quickly the moment he saw her. He looked up at her, with wide eyes full of fear, before he recognized it was Tsunami. 

"T-Tsunami? Tsunami! It's really you!" 

"Well of course it's me. Who else would it be? Honestly, I thought you would never wake up. Being trapped on a sky prison with a lazy Scavenger-" Tsunami teased, trying to express her relief and happiness now that Y/N was awake, before she stopped, suprised, when he suddenly hugged her. Burying his face deep into her sea-blue scales, sobbing slightly. 

Pyrrhia's Human (WOF x Human Male Reader) VOLUME 1Where stories live. Discover now