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The crowd was deathly silent. Everyone was looking down at Fjord. Well, at least what was left of him. It wasn't just his scales that had dissolved, but most of his body. His scales, which were once a beautiful royal blue, were now a tangled melted mass, and so was the flesh beneath, with part of the bone could be seen, and even that was partially melted. 

Fjord was not an Icewing anymore. Not even a Dragon. He was barely recognizable. Nobody made any sound for what felt like an eternity, until finally, a cheer broke out, before the entire crowd of Skywings, Mudwings, and Sandwings, all erupted into roars. 

Throughout this entire time, Clay had not moved. He was still staring at Fjord's corpse. Like he was not sure what to do. The expression of shock and horror never disappearing from his face.

Meanwhile, you were had a clear expression of disgust on your face. The fact that the crowd was cheering, when something so horrible had just happened, made your stomach churn. To be honest; just looking at Fjord's body made you want to throw up, but you managed to resist the urge, and draw you attention away from what was going on in the arena below. 

Tsunami was still squirming around, just beneath the platform. The only thing that kept her from falling to the ground was the chains, and you were partly worried that they would break and send her plummeting to her death. However, she didn't seem so aggressive with her struggling, but more like she generally just wanted to be rescued at that point. 

I guess it must be pretty uncomfortable, just hanging there by those chains- You thought, before a louder roar rose from the noise coming from the arena below. 

"Marvelous! Thrilling! Pure entertainment! You'll do fine for the arena. Perhaps I'll put you in the next battle? TODAY'S BATTLE IS OVER!" Scarlet roared, sounding pleased, as you turned your attention back to what was going on below. 

Guards had moved towards Clay, and were beginning to escort him off of the arena grounds... However, you noticed that they seemed more cautious than usual. Having their spears ready to stab Clay in the head if he offered any kind of resistance. You couldn't see their facial expressions due to the angle, but you guessed they were the same as their actions. 

Meanwhile, large numbers of Dragons from the stands were beginning to take to the skies, still chatting and talking excitedly about what had happened. A few flew past close enough for you to hear their conversations. 

"Did you see that Icewing!? He's been completely melted! Did you even see what happened?"

"Nah. I'm not sure anyone did to be honest. I was too focused on that stupid Seawing. Interrupting the fight. Maybe her Majesty will put them in next?" 

Their voices faded as they flew off. They hadn't seen you. Or maybe they had and just hadn't cared. You looked back down at Tsunami. 

"Are you sure you're, okay?" You called down, but not loud enough for other Dragons to hear. You were still a bit in shock of how loud you had yelled Tsunami's name when she dived off the edge. The way it had echoed around the entire arena, and from the way some Dragons had looked at you, it was obvious that they had heard you speak. 

"Yeah! I'm fine Y/N. Trust me. I'm alright. I'll probably just be here for a while."

"Um. Alright..." You responded, sounding and feeling skeptical, before you gave a sly smile. 

"I guess you'll just be hanging around for the time being then?" You said, trying to not grin. 

Tsunami snorted, before looking up and glaring at you. 

Pyrrhia's Human (WOF x Human Male Reader) VOLUME 1Where stories live. Discover now