VI: Red like devils roses

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As Winter lead Vergil/ Jaune towards the Wintee maiden. After both Winter and Vergil James then made a plan to make a new CTT with the Amity coliseum. He then later tell them of his plan to shoot Amity high into the sky to restore communication across Remnant once more to tell everyone about Salem which shock everyone even Ozma. Ozma then decided to intervene on this matter personally.

Ozma/Oscar: Are you sure about this James?

James: Ozpin?

Ozma/Ozpin: You did remember what I told you before right? Panic brings chaos which then soon leads to Grimm.

James: I-I know that but I believe that we are ready for this Ozpin.

Ozma/Oscar: *sigh* this is what I was afraid of. But you're right. I've kept secret for everyone for far too long. It's time to what Mr Dante would say "drop the ball".

Dante: Hehe good one old man.

As the others exited out of the office they were approached by Ace op from there surprise.

Clover: I would like to sincere apologies for the miscommunication down in Mantle. We didn't meant to-

Elm: I feel so bad. honestly! *grabs Ruby's hand and shook it wildly* If we had known who you were we'd be laughing over a hot meal right now and-

Ruby: I-I understand you were just following orders.

Weiss: You could have asked us some questions first.

Marrow: Ah questions are for the weak. But we're all on the same team now! Not that I'm happy about it. *notices his tail is wagging*

Dante: Hehe I guess the dog is excited to have us.

Marrow: Grrrr!

Clover: We just wanted to say we're sorry. And we're looking forward to working with you on our next mission. Some of you might be student but you've been fighting just as hard as we have. If not harder of course.

Harriet: Exactly why I'm looking forward to seeing on what you kids can do.

Vine: *sigh* not everything is a competition Hare.

Dante: Well that depends if you're not just deadweight.

Back on Earth

Nero: Achoo!

Kyrie: Nero are you ok?

Nero: I'm good it just... if feels like I've been called deadweight again?

Back on Ramnant

Penny: Come on. Let me show you around the campus!

As the others follow penny Ace op we're focusing on Dante do to the fact that he and Vergil/ Jaune were about to keep up with them with little effort. The scene changes with Vergil/Jaune and Winter walking down the hallway to meet the winter maiden. Both were quiet but to Jaune he knew Winter is not happy with this outcome.

Vergil: If you got something to say say it.

Winter: What are you talking about?

Vergil: You're concern about the winter maiden are you. You believe you deserve this power and not me.

Winter: Tch and how would you know that?

Vergil: By you expressed of course. You humans are too easy to figure out sometimes.

Winter: And what about you! I did a bit of research on you as well Jaune Arc! You faked your way into Beacon somehow obtain a power that can rival even the maidens and you are a devil as well. Both Human and Demon blood flow through your veins.

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