Chapter 3

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I lowered my head as I blushed as her statement, “So…what happens now?” I asked.

She took a deep breath, making me look up at her, and that’s when I noticed the nervousness in her eyes, “You may hate me for what I’m about to say, but now that I’ve already let the cat out of the bag with my dad, because he is the asshole that he is, it would be in our best interest not to drag our feet, because I know he’s calculating and plotting to call my bluff. That being said…we may kinda need to go ahead and get married. Like, today.”

For what felt like the hundredth time today my eyes bugged out of my head, “TODAY?! Beyoncé, what the hell?!” I exclaimed and for a millisecond her look of sheepishness was replaced with something else before turning into an apologetic look. 

“I know, I know! I keep dropping these bombs on you, hitting you left and right-

“Uh, you think?! Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot to tell you. Miley Cyrus called, she wants her wrecking ball back!” I exclaimed as I walked into my bathroom, slamming the door behind me and locking it so she wouldn’t come in. I rested my back against the door as I covered my face in my hands, screaming internally. 

If it isn’t one thing, it’s literally another.

Immediately I heard the knob jiggle as she tried to come in, followed by her knocking on the door, “Kierra, I’m sorry! Look, can you just open the door so we can talk about this?”


I heard her sigh on the other side of the door, “I’m not going anywhere Ki, please come out so we can talk, like sensible human beings,” she chided like she was starting to get annoyed, and that annoyed me. 

“I am a sensible human being, that’s why I said no! There is nothing I want to talk to you about, because at this rate if we keep talking I’m gonna be out a kidney or something fooling with you! In a span of what, 2 hours? I’ve gone from being single, to engaged, to jobless, to soon to be married and I’m tired. It’s not even noon yet!”

“Well, in my defense you’re the reason you’re jobless, not me, because I keep telling you you don’t have to quit and I’m not firing you, let’s make that clear,” she said as a matter of fact.

“Does it look like I care about a technicality?”

“Gee, I don’t know what you look like, because I’m LOOKING AT A DOOR!” she exclaimed in frustration, “Kierra I’m not gonna tell you again, come out of there and stop acting like a child! You’re better than this and there is no reason we can’t discuss this like rational adults.”

“Don’t chastise me Beyoncé, this is my house and I can do whatever I want! Now I’m not gonna tell YOU again, GO AWAY, and give me space. I need to be alone right to process the shit show my life has suddenly become because of you, and I can’t do that with you here adding fuel to the fire. I can barely think straight with all this going on,” I said while rubbing my temples. I’m getting a headache. 

I heard her groan deeply followed by a soft thud, “Fine! Fine. I’ll go, but I’ll be back. Don’t go anywhere Kierra, I’m serious,” she said and I rolled my eyes.

“You don’t want me to tell you where you can go Beyoncé, I’m serious,” I replied in a mocking tone, “Now go.”

After that it was silence, and after a few moments I heard my bedroom door open and close, making me exhale deeply in response. Finally, some peace and quiet so I can think. I went to my medicine cabinet, grabbing the Tylenol and popping three pills, not even bothering to wash it down with water. I had decided against chewing them so it could kick in faster; I was stressed, not stupid.

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