Chapter 4

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The beginning may be a little rough cause I don’t know what the hell to write so we just gone ride until we can fly, alright?


I rushed after her, there was no way she was about to turn my life upside down and then hit me with an, “Oops, my bad, never mind,” and just run off. 

Oh no ma’am, what she think this is, a 90s chick flick?

I opened my door and saw that she had just gotten inside her car, so I sped walked over to her car and angrily knocked on her window just as she was starting it. Even though her windows were tinted I could still see her silhouette, so I could see when she jumped in fright. She let down her window and gave me a crazed look, “Kierra! What’s the matter with you, are you crazy?!” she asked incredulously.

“No, but you are! If you think you can just come into my life, flip it upside down, and then just change your mind and run off then you have another thing coming because I am not the Fresh Prince,” I said and she sighed.


“No, I don’t want to hear it! It’s too late for take backs, we all in now Baby Girl, and I call the shots now. Now pick up your feelings and get your ass back inside so we can talk about this,” I told her, and she just looked at me with a look of shock and bewilderment. Good, now she feels the way I’ve been feeling all morning,  “Tuh, I can’t believe you thought you was just going to turn my life into a Sims game and then try to run away. Girl please, I don’t know what you thought this was,” I mumbled to myself as I walked away from her car and back to my house. I turned around, “And hurry up!” I yelled to her when I saw she wasn’t moving fast enough for my liking. 

I went back inside, bypassing the forest of flowers in my living room as I walked into my kitchen and grabbed another glass before going to my bar and grabbing the bottle of Hennessy that my friend Koryn left, I never touched it, because personally I don’t like drinking dumpster juice, but hell, desperate times called for desperate measures, and this was the strongest drink I had in the house. 

(A/N: Those of you who drink, y’all know Hennessy is nasty as hell. Taste like bad decisions and retaliation.)

I opened the bottle and poured a double shot’s worth into my glass before taking it to the head, instantly regretting it because my throat felt like it was on fire, not only that I felt like I had just drank hot ass vomit. I started coughing like an old man as I rubbed my chest to ease the fire blazing in my chest. Bey still hadn’t came inside yet, so thankfully she didn’t witness the meltdown I was experiencing. I grabbed a bottle of water and starting chugging it down to try to cool myself down because now I was hot all over. 

See, this is why I only drink wine. Wine makes you feel sexy. This Henny is making me feel hot as hell, now I’m mad. 

The water helped a little, but I was still hot all over, so I went into my bedroom and began taking off my clothes while also finding something lighter and looser to wear. I was only wearing my bra and panties, trying to cool down because I felt like I had broke out into a cool sweat. I was regretting letting my stress drive me to drink that Hennessy and as soon as I was finished changing it was going to find a new home in the trash. I had finally found a simple T-shirt dress to put on, and as I turned to lay it on my bed, Bey burst into my room at the same time, “Kierra, I do-oh shit,” she said  at the same time I screamed in shock as I tried to cover my body with my hands but failing miserably.

“Oh my God, get out!” I yelled in horror as I frantically looked around to find something to cover me up, lunging for the throw blanket on the end of my bed and wrapping myself up in it. She remained stuck in place with that same look of shock on her face, but she didn’t have an instant look of disgust at my appearance so that alleviated some of the horror I felt. 

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