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The dark blue dusk settled over the long stretching endless skyline, the black almost stark sheet littered with tiny glinting stars, scattered on the horizon like careless sprinkled fairy-dust, the high hanging moon the star of the show with her luminous light shone down on the surface blow, reflecting the celestial bodies onto the shallow of the murky water underneath. The dark shallow night howls with its cold soft wind curling around everything in its path like a warm enveloping blanket.

Casting its golden shadow into and overhead the celestial river, a golden ornate arch twisted down to the ground, each standing point delving deep into the underground. Having both legs on the two sides of the opposite earth, it supported the weight of the curve. Streetlights lined up the distance of the grey asphalt ground, a long and tall standing stature of the thin metal imminent structures, their glowing golden light buzzing with the linking flow of electrical power. A small group of flying creatures with little see through wings glittering and shining in the luminous light, maybe four or five, flitting about and near the tall sidewalk streetlight, shimmering, almost glittery warm projected luminosity, highlighted golden coloured. They flitted in and out of sight, quick disappearance mirroring travelling in between one world and the other, one dimension and another; the seen and unseen.

Buildings of all shapes and sizes, of all colours of the rainbow it seemed, others only coated within the spectrum of the darker tones. Each block had its fair share of outside decorations piled the window sills and a general extraordinary one section away on a space on the doorstep.

The same decoration choice could not be seen on the next house as there were no two people living next to each other. Where there were red and green flowers on one, there were light streamers on the other. The following houses were of the same pattern or not pattern as it were.

In the midst of these erect structures, there was a lone red brick apartment after a row of five, each touch of architecture possessing many stories. One of these held a being's focus for it held a subject of interest, a human girl. Her concealed lone figure of feminine proportions; a set of wide hips that led to lengthy legs, dark waves of voluminous mass cascade down her back like black shiny tar running down the road, dancing to the sound of music coming from her black earpiece, head thrown back, raised up in a singing along pose, bobbing it back and forth. The sliding black but not tinted window frame allowed for transparency of sight, spangles of light sneaking into the filtering barricade.

She rocked her hips, swishing and swaying her upper body to the slow rhythm of the music, using a hairbrush as a microphone and waved her hands in some crazy accordance at times. When music got her moving, she really got into it, dancing to her wild heart's content.

A chill wafted through the window, making her night gown to fly in with the wind, ruffles shivering in silent terrors of the cold night. The footsteps faltered before staking their unsure hold on the ground, panic freezing her before her brain communicated the action to her other limbs, the involuntary action halting any other possible response from her body, almost mist-stepping into the edge of her bed, unsteady feet wavering on her loose stance. Faint remembrance breaking through the moment of panic, the earpiece in her ear restated its wireless presence, sending a throbbing ache to the dull pounding in her head, its volume reaching all new crescendo heights. She swayed a bit, the unusual force of the usual migraine making her head spin. She closed her eyes, though the useless effort did not ease the pain.

Bloody migraine.

Still, her fingers rubbed her forehead deep, trying to soothe the biting ache away like a bad dream. She shook her head, blinked twice, then thrice for good measure, the sharp strike of sudden glare of shocking light not aiding her in clearing her compromised eyesight.

Maybe she should call it a night and go to bed? Tomorrow is a busy day anyway; she'd need all her energy for it if she was going to survive it.

She groaned, complaining to no one but herself, to change what she knew to be true. As much as she liked school, although not by that much, and expanding her knowledge about the ever changing world, she didn't want to end her happy night on a bad note, the night was still young! Why should she go to bed when she doesn't even feel the tiniest bit tired?

As if to mock her much contradictory words, a yawn stretched out her sealed lips, her eyes watering in her tear ducts, eyes closing on involuntary response. Her eyes snapped open, thrown at how wrong she was when she was so sure of the possibility being nil, the otherwise probability so slim to none it was non-existent. An annoyed hot huff of air escaped her lips, hating how her own body betrayed her in her time of need, cursing her ill luck all the while.

She gave in, having close to no other option. With a surprised delicacy, she observed her bones had a dragging weight to them she hadn't noticed before-or cared enough to take note rather-a second of hesitation passed, her lids heavier than they had seemed just what felt like mere moments ago, fluttering closed of strengthening drooping eyelids.

And here I was thinking I was stronger than biology....

In seconds, she was asleep, out like the flash of lightning streaking across the wide space of soft purple and blue, twinkling stars gazing down from their high position in the sky, off to dreamland.

She didn't notice the creature of black wings swooping into her room, its dark blood red eyes glowing in the dark as they drink her in, blazing out of its small sockets, black wings beating about as loud as the howling wind, razor sharp edges with wave curves in between, glinting milk white fangs and landed on her collarbone, claws biting into her arm for steadying stand. It sunk its teeth into her, the venom fast flowing deep into her bloodstream.

Juniper, feeling a sting on some level of sub consciousness, waved a hand through the air to dismiss the cause of her pain, her waving away causing the creature of the night to fly back away with a wind flutter of wings. With another beat or two of its black wings, it saved itself from crashing into something and after steadying its balance in the air, it swooped out of the room in the same way it had entered, like an angel of death.

Hours after this, unbeknownst to her, she would no longer be human......

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