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The next morning's golden light trickled through the small slanted space of her window, beaming down light from an angle that met with her unlucky eyes. 

Hissing at the light that dared to invade her eyes, though they were closed, through her eyelids she rolled over her still tired body from the night before and the rough nights sleep, she wanted to collapse her aching body back into dreamland, back into bed, wanted to drop her pounding head back onto the soft comfortable pillow,  longed for it more than anything she'd ever wanted before in her life but she knew she couldn't. She had work and worst of all,  high school in less than an hour.

Ugh, just kill me now please. That would be much easier than sentencing me to this eternal  suffering.

But she had to get going. She couldn't be a second late; she had an important position in it that she valued for whatever reasons she had. Besides it also paid the bills which went a long way for months on end-she didn't want to lose that either.

Grumbling incoherent words under her breath, she dragged herself out of bed because she couldn't get out of it physically any other way. She dragged her feet to the bathroom to pull off her clothes  as you never know who might be watching. The bottom of her night top pulled but just short of her neck, a few inches above her shoulder, all movements stopped, her dark brown eyes catching sight of something. Near the  upper part of her neck, two red dots on her skin shone out like two oval-shaped red rubies. She paused, fearful, moved her finger to it and ran it over them, closed her eyes in expectation of pain, but was surprised when none came. Her forehead deepened in more confusion than shock and so she opened her eyes to observe it herself instead.

She parted her ocean wavy  black hair to the left section of her neck to see it better. She frowned, tilted her head right mirror wise but was to the left, trying to figure out when I might have, if I did, injured or pricked myself in the neck by accident, but her mind came up with multiple blank images, either unable to remember or it hadn't happened at all.

Where on earth did it come from then? It  couldn't have  spontaneously appeared on my neck……….could it?

Confusing her brain even more, it didn't hurt like she thought it would.  Her neck was as normal as it always was; not hard but not soft either, somewhere in between. Nothing about her skin had changed, except that, and as far as she could see there weren't any other strange wounds on her body.  She didn't feel any body pains, none apparent in the smallest amount possible. 

Well, as long as it's not hurting………

Shrugging, her mind gave up on every possible explanation out of exasperation and finding that not one fit the picture of reason.

She slipped into the bathroom, tossed her night clothes off of her into a careless corner somewhere, and hopped into the bathtub. The white tiles felt cold under feet, the temperature in the bathroom itself even colder. Thinking nothing of it, she grabbed her sponge,  poured a generous amount of the pineapple and honey scented soap onto it. Then scrubbed in a hurried but efficient manner, switched on the water, turning it halfway towards the  hot side.

Minutes after her hot rejuvenating bath, she slipped out of the bathroom in a towel wrapped around herself, went to her wardrobe to select her work clothes and laid them down on her bed. She put her work shirt on first, an  icy blue coloured collared polyester shirt that read "Elkier's Diner,  committed to serving you"  across the middle with her name tag, to the right of it,  on top of the famous diner's motto. It was a nice motto, for what it was worth, however most of her coworkers didn't like it like she did, which is to say not at all. She would have worn this t-shirt everywhere and anywhere she went on her off day without much of an argument.  She would be proud to. 

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