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She swung round on her heel,  her head tipping into the direction where the sound had come from. She was distilled in her previous motions, removed from prior light and pleasnant entertainment as well as she tried to discern what ws going on for her own peace of mind. Also, it tingled her curiosity to find out what such an abrupt he would disrupt no one but her.

There was no one entering from the front door, though the chime led her to believe the opposite. An idea popped up in her head. It wasn't impossible per say, just not one she would have have thought of on a normal day.  Though what had given the impression that this particular might not turn out to get normal, or as normal like the other ones that included a certain Latino hipsanic short red haired companion, sge had no clue whatsoever.

Which means…….

She could almost feel the laughter climbing up her throat as she rotated on her heels to face her best friend.  "If you're thinking of breathing my neck or any of that creepy shit to scare me or to sleuth or whatever it is you're doing this week, don't." She warned, though the threat in her voice wasn't real because it was half there, just not fully. Her face, she believed, had changed to one of an oncoming outburst of hilarity, her neck, she could feel, tickled with the building urge to let it out. 

This was what? Her 17th attempt? 

Her friend laughed and she laughed in turn with her, unable to keep it in any longer. "Why can't I ever take you off guard?" She asked, pouting as she folded her arms across her chest, her complaining  infused with short giggles. Her lip twitched, more laughter wanting to spill out. Her friend's laughter was quite infectious.

Everyone,  my best friend Franella Fallowyn.

She tried to distract herself and get back to work."Maybe the universe is trying to tell you something." She answered, wiping down the counter, though she had done that before leaving yesterday's shift. Having cleaned it multiple times, she was more than sure that it couldn't have even a speck of dirt or gotten any in the last few hours she'd been away from the diner.

Really, it was pristine already.

"And what might that be?" Franella challenged, clear merriment dancing behind her tongue.

"That maybe you just aren't cut out for  sleuthing," a pause to look at her questionable choice of footwear, "or spying." 

Seriously? She thought wearing those particular shoes would make her unnoticeable? Seriously?

She was a strange one, Fran. She had er…..peculiar interests she liked to partake in that changed every week. She tried to be a ladybug last week. A month before that, she tried being a worm. She crawled over my body. I still haven't figured out of all the land insects she had  to choose from,  she chose a worm.  

But besides that, I'm still a little bit upset about it, though I could never be upset at her for long. It just wasn't something I could do with her. She's always been someone I could never stay mad at, no matter what the problem was.

Why a worm though? I still don’t understand.

And she never tells me why, just smiles in this odd mysterious way, withholding her secret reason  from me. I could not for the life of me understand her or anything about her strangeness. I mean why withhold it from me? It's not like she's holding information important to the government or being threatened to keep silent about it- we don't allow any room for secrets, we never had each other to keep important things we needed to know from each other. It just wasn't done.

I didn't need to this time, I just wanted to.

As per usual, her mysterious smile glittered in mischief.  " One of these days, someone will catch you off guard. Mark my words, Juniper, it'll happen." She said in a sing-song voice, wagging her long manicured fingers in front of her face.

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