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Aeolus speaks as though each word was insight, gruel, or both. Aeolus with his pretty eyes and delicate face but it was as if he had teaspoons for eye sockets and every word he said was like red wine pouring into your ears. He'll nip at your buds with the most condescending smile in the world.

His face is unfortunately still as infuriating as it is pretty. His eyes are flickering fluorescent lights and his smile an innocent twist on milk skin - words tumbling out socking you in the stomach and scraping out your guts.

Long drawn out wings gyrating around slender arms and rising every time his shoulder blades shifted, every time his chest heaves with a breath. A burst of dreamy hues and azure would draw your eyes in across the sloping plane of his back, intricate feathers breaching his skin and white blood cells yielding beneath ink.

Silver chains skimming the surface of his skin and glittering beneath sunlight. Stars littering his back, adorning his spine and creeping under his chest. A fresh, red-raw tattoo of a swirling blue pendant in the middle of Aeolus' sternum, and when his heart beats a little too fast it seems as though the blue billows.


quite a short story if i say so myself 

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