• Chapter 4 •

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India pov.

Walking into my first period class I saw that everyone was there doing their work which was good. Mr. Ricci was writing on the board as usual. I believe it was what we were doing today in class.

Mr. Ricci stopped writing to see who walked through the door. He looked at me for a second then went back to writing on the board.

I sat in front of the class because that was the only seat available at the time. I asked the person next to me what we were doing they said we were taking notes.

Ugh, fucking notes of course.

I took out a piece of paper and pen and then started writing what was on the board. It took 10 minutes for me to write down the notes.

When I was done I looked over it to make sure that everything was neat and it had my name on it. Putting the piece of paper in one my of folders I zipped up my bookbag and put it next to me on the floor.

I looked up from my desk to see Mr. Ricci staring directly at me. I don't have anything else to do so I stared back at him like we were having a staring contest.

He looked at me very closely, biting his lip while doing so. Mr. Ricci is a very handsome man with all them hot ass tattoos on his body.

Ever since I met Mr. Ricci he was very welcoming and sweet also helpful. I never had an issue with him. Yes, he would stare at me for a couple of minutes but I didn't mind.

I found that weird at first but I got used to it since it's an everyday thing now. I've known him since the 11th grade he was my history teacher and still is to this day. I just wonder why he does the things he does when he's with me like when we're alone.

Does he like me? Like what is it?

Mr. Ricci looked at my face and then slowly looked down at my body. He was admiring my body from my head to my little toes. Wired.

His facial expression was very odd to me it was showing all different emotions right now. I got up from my seat and walked toward his desk to ask him a question.

"Hi, Mr. Ricci I was wondering when will class start?" I said looking down at him.

" In a few seconds sweetie, I was just preparing y'all assignments." Mr. Ricci said looking at the paper on his desk. He always calls me sweetie. I honestly don't mind, it's cute.

I leaned down on his desk to talk to him so only he can hear me. "Mr. Ricci you weren't preparing anything. You were busy looking at the beautiful body that I have. Now, will you please start this assignment you're wasting my fucking time? Thank you very much." Mr. Ricci looked at me with pure shock and anger. Oh well.

" See me after class sweetie." Mr. Ricci said in a stern tone. I rolled my eyes so that he can see me. I'm always this sassy with him he doesn't mind but I would always get a punishment from him when I do it. Which is more likely detention.

I walked away and sat back in my seat. 'What a fucking morning' i thought to myself.

The class started a few minutes later. He went over what we had to do and we just worked in silence. During the class period while everything was silent I decided to take a nap because why not.

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