Better than Before

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Poppy remembered the time before she was corrupted. She didn't remember her old name, or the names of her parents, but she remembered how different it felt.

She remembered how she would occasionally get a chance to go out, and her favorite place to go was the woods. The blissful solitude and the freedom it gave her, a chance to forget the pain, feel the wind in her hair, and run around with no expectations.

Then the tree choose her.

She was the first of four... The other three a lot more talkative and crass. She didn't remember exactly why they were chosen, or what for, but she hated it. The forest, freedom, was so far out of reach, and the only time Poppy was allowed to leave the tree was when she visited her parents.

She hated them, too. She never understood what they had against her, but they punished her for everything. Even if it was trivial. She hated their rules, and their ignorance.

It was then she ran away. Away from the tree, her parents, and all the suffocating expectations. She found the woods again. And a little cave. With a little grey man inside.

She doesn't really remember how, or when it happened, but the corruption came. She was corrupted. The little grey man became her beloved king. And she loved him. She loved the tower. She loved her new friends. She was happy.

And the woods were never far away.

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