Cyblix snippet

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Content warning: Very Suggestive

He was so, so Fucking handsome. They hated it. How could they stop the corruption if the man they were fighting sent their heart racing every time he looked at them?

It was even worse when he figured it out. The realization on his face, then the smug grin creeping up it. In one swift movement, he pinned them up to the wall, sending the Square into a blushing mess.
He laughed, pressing down on their chest. "Aw, what's this? Pretty little square got a crush?" He leaned in closer. Too close. They could feel his breath on their face.

He grabbed their arms and pinned them above their head, earning a squeak from the smaller person. The expression on his face was hard to read, and their eyes locked together. His eyes were grayish pink, with flecks of black here and there, and they were almost mesmerized by it.

Without warning, he leaned forward and kissed them. They could feel their blush rise as they subconsciously leaned into it. The kiss was short and sweet, and left both of them wanting more, but the King of Corruption decided to tie their hands behind their back first. He kissed them again, longer this time, and with his hands free he touched their neck and chest.

He pulled away, smirking, as they gasped for air and fell to their knees. He picked them up and sling them over his shoulder, descending into the tower. He found an empty room, loosened their ties, and locked it behind him. As he walked back down the hallway, it was his turn to blush. He didn't realize just how adorable they were...
"Oh, shit." He said to himself. "I have a crush."

Needless to say, he did more than kiss them later.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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