Should I be good?

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(Based off of the song Karma by AJR) (ALSO! warning for suicidal thoughts.)

Square fell to their knees.
This couldn't have been any worse. Why was everything falling apart before their eyes? They had done everything right. But... the world was out of their control.

They looked at the pool of liquid corruption in front of them. It glowed with a sinister light, bubbling up like lava. They shook the temptations from their mind, and got up to continue down the dark tunnel. I mean, they still technically could make things better, right?

The levels went by in a blur. The amount of pink in the caves was dizzying. They snapped out of their daze when someone fell in the corruption. Who? They didn't know them. But... it was terrifying what happened next. The lava started rising- and they were being attacked? The corruption splashed and swirled as it rose through the tunnel- presumably to the top of the mountain. It stung them when it splashed and hit their face. When they got to the top they ran out- away from the pool of corruption and whoever was attacking them- just to find themself facing the source of the corruption.

It was terrifying. The triangle hung over the pool, dripping corruption into the pool below. Square's body ached- both from running and from getting hit with the corruption. They thought about what they did to get there. Where they could go now. They saw the level sitting by the pool of corruption. Was it worth it? To go through that pain again. To potentially die again? They shook their head. What option did they have?

Staring at the corruption for a while, a thought came to mind. Would the corruption kill them? If they submerged themself... would they die? They took a step forward. They didn't want to come back to life again if it did. They knew if they died in the level they would come back... but what about this pool?

They stepped in the pool. Holy shit did it sting. But. They waded deeper. Their legs hurt so bad- eventually they collapsed, plunging them into the hot pool of corruption faster than they had wanted. They felt like it was pulling them deeper, clinging to them. Eventually, they sat up again, coughing out the corruption they'd accidentally inhaled when they fell.

The pain had stopped. The pain had stopped...? They looked at the palm of their hand. It was bright pink, to match the corruption surrounding them. It felt.... Calming. Why had they wanted it to kill them? This was far better. They felt like everything was going to be alright. Like this was supposed to be.

They arrived at the tower, greeted by the one and only King of corruption. He smiled at them. They smiled back.

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