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TW: Names calling at a certain point, rough (but not really(?)) sex, Marathon...

It starts small, really.

Just harmless tease like, "oh Hyung, You took so long to shower" and maybe something that goes along with "Hyung how come you didn't know it's a trend?". 

It's nothing personal—He was undeniably attractive, he'd be seen like a walking angel that was blessed with pure and innocent figures. But overall he has an underlying charm...not that anyone could tell since he doesn't let just anyone know when it comes to things like that. Soobin can be a little overbearing at times with his games or his personality.

In other words–He's a brat.

He began to get bolder these days and Yeonjun thought that was a bit process of him opening up and he'd know if they were serious or not. But lately, the joke had become a hazard—Every time he'd joked around the maknaes, yes including Beomgyu. He would have to make sure the person he was talking to knew it was only in jest. But when it come to him, Soobin would say it in such a casual way that sometimes Yeonjun thought he meant it.

Things like this usually didn't bother him, It's nice to feel welcomed as if he belongs somewhere instead of being an outsider.

However, Yeonjun was on his limit. If it wasn't one joke then there's no telling what else he'll pull. And that's fine, whatever makes him comfortable. It's all the more reason to avoid retaliating back, even if it means hurting a little inside,

There's a barrier he put to not lashing out at others. Except for the time, Beomgyu (he referred to as a professional mood bringer–hell kind of annoyance maker) kept pulling his earphone and let's keep the image unbrutally and said he lost one of his shoes. And Beomgyu's face was the target. Just a wild guess.

 He doesn't want them to see how much the teasing affects him in a way because It'll just lead to another endless jesting. 

But this time it had hit a breaking point.

The time when they were recording for their variety show. They wear all black slack and he fell at the best pulling off the outfit.

"Look at him, being all showy," Yeonjun hears Beomgyu snicker as he went to the waiting lounge. Soon Kai's laughter trailed first before he got a grip of the young man behind Beomgyu.

Yeonjun only gave them an annoyed look, "Hey I'm still looking cool in our Moa's eyes." That earns a loud laugh from the boy sitting behind him but soon turns quiet when Taehyun and Soobin came out.

"Yah, Soobin-ah...Yeonjun-Hyung keep saying he looks hot!". Beomgyu ripped through the room like thunder.

The young leader didn't react anything at first but then, "He look mid to me", 

It was all that gas talk he's been doing but Yeonjun didn't know why that comment stings, he tries not to be bitter about it. "Why are you being rude," Yeonjun whines.

Soobin rolls his eyes, "Stop that, It's annoying Hyung". 

annoying...huh? Yeonjun chews inside his mouth—He knows that Soobin isn't a mean bone in his body still...he couldn't help but think that he is just acting out to get him angry. He shakes it off for now.

The shoot went well, They have already forgotten most of their quarrels. Even after the camera crew left Yeonjun sat by a table playing on his phone while Soobin and Kai went to do something else. The older couldn't deny that there were a few times when he wanted to join them despite his rude treatment. They were more than team members and well if it wasn't too obvious—soobin and he are boyfriends. 

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