The bells toll once again

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Sera's pov

Ids been roughly a 3 years since master returned. Ever since we've gotten back on our feet and were doing our jobs better then ever. Cleaning up whatever supernatural freaks threaten the world, the cases have been a bit more frequent as of late. 'You think to loud ma chère. Though your voice makes up for it.' Pip tells me and I sigh. "Well inner monologue is meant for just me to hear." I retaliate and tread through the park more. 'Sure sure, let's find these hounds and they're leash holder then get back for a drink and maybe a bit more.' I sigh and just keep moving. We come across the targets after a while. A pack of werewolves and a vampire, of course a army of gouls as well. "Well ma chere. What do you say we go euthanize some mutts." Pip says and I nod. Readying my gun I open fire.

No one pov

Alice walked through a park late on a cold London night, her luggage rolling behind her, her shoes making a light tap with each step, her shoulder length brown hair bumping with each step, dark blue eyes shimmering, in her hand she held a peice of paper on it read. 'Eviction notice.' currently trying to find a place to sleep for the night she contemplated everything. "I always try to help people, I'm a good person. I think. Yet it's people like me who get the short end of the stick." Walking through the park she hears a commotion in the distance, she heads over to it to see something straight out of a horror game. Countless dead bodys littering the ground, a hoard of zombie looking things shooting at a blonde woman. Alice stands there in horror when the lead vampire notices her and makes a mad dash. The blonde woman finishes off the rest of the monsters and looks over shocked. The vampire has taken alice hostage and was gripping her throat. "Make any more movement and this woman dies, I have some fun with her, turn her into a goul, in no particular order." The vampire dressed in a suit says. "W-what is going on." Alice says gasping.

Sera's pov

Shit. This isn't good. Need to think....'why not make a reference.' Pip says in my head. 'I what do you mean?' I respond holding steady. 'I remember you told me about how Alucard made you a vampire, the situation seems pretty similar.' I clicks and I nod. "Girl, are you a virgin?" I ask bluntly. She looks shocked. "Y-yeah...." She says while wiggling around in the vampires grasp. "Do you want to live?" I ask a follow up. "O-of course..." she responded. I nod take and steady breath. And before the vampire can blink I shoot the two through the chest. Killing the vampire and leaving the girl on the verge of death. I quickly run over and kneel down.'really stole her heart.' "Can it, this is serious." 'Oui, and you know I don't do serious.' I sigh and lean unto the girls neck. "Hold it police girl." Before I can bite down I hear master say. I quickly shoot up and look around. "Master?" He suddenly appears next to me, Integra protruding out of him like how pip does with me. "Don't tell me you were about to try and bite that girl." He says looking down at me." I-well... yeah." I say nervously. "You forgot the fact the person being bitten can't be the same gender as you. Or else you would've turned her into a ghoul." He explains and kneels down. The girl looks up at him barley clinging to life. "The look in your eyes. You're still doing everything you can to cling to life, I also sense a fighting spirit within you. Very well then."

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