New life, new faces, new normal

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Alice pov

My grandmother was one of the very very few people of London to survive that fateful day 30 and change years ago, she was lucky enough to escape before the carnage really started. We learned about it in school. The 9th crusade, the 4th reich, hell on earth. No one could deny the madness, but I always was skeptical of the supernatural elements said to have been a play. My parents both died a few years ago overseas, I was told they fought off a small army of terrorists in the Middle East. I was proud of them. I float in the dark void. My family went through so much and here I am just suddenly dying. NO! I yell to myself. After everything the people of my bloodline went through, I won't just simply ceal over and die like this!

I jolt awake after who knows how long. I'd been shot but.... Wasn't dead, I think. I look around and notice several people surrounding me. The blonde woman who shot me, a tall black haired man wearing all red, an older gentleman wearing a butler outfit. I quickly jump up, grab a nearby broom and hold it like a bow staff. "Who the hell are you people!? Where am I!?" I demand. The tall male chuckles. "Straight out of a coma and you're already up and at'em. I like it." His voice is ominous and scary. A.... I wanna say woman comes out of him like a ghost. "It seems you picked wisely seras." She says. Im freaking out. "Someone for fucks sake tell me what's going on!" The tall man stands up and so does the gray haired woman. "To put it bluntly we are an organization dedicated to protecting the world from 'paranormal' threats like the on you witnessed earlier. Given your situation you'll be working for us now." The woman and explains and the butler hands me an outfit.

" The woman and explains and the butler hands me an outfit

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I take and examine it dumbfounded. "So this means that all the talk of monsters around the London massacre where true." Everyone nods. I ponder for a moment and can't really argue with a place to live and a job. "Does this mean I can't go out in sunlight, and garlic kills me?" The tall guy chuckles a little. "Sunlight merely tires you a little, garlic is more like a allergic reaction for us, like pollen or nuts for humans. So tell me, how does being a vampire feel?" He explains and asks. I examine myself a little. "It feels.. cool. Like I'm much stro-" I'm cut off by the blonde girl sticking her hand in my mouth. I accidentally bite down on it. "The hell?" I look at her confused. Some blood drips from her hand. "It's either drinking blood or sleeping in a coffin. Besides now you should be able to hear pip." What in the world? I decide to take her word for it as she looked serious and drink the blood. I suddenly feel all my senses super charge. I also feel MUCH stronger. 'Mic check un, deux.' What the? A French guy appears out of seras and waves. "This is pip. The blood you drank transferred some of his essence to you so now you can communicate telepathically with him." I just look confused and nod. I take my outfit and the butler also hands me some weapons. "Edgar here forged these weapons himself." The tall guy says and I examine them.

" The tall guy says and I examine them

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Edgar speaks up. "The blade is called 'crusifiction' it's 115cm holy sliver blade was forged from part of the 'cross of all nations.' The pummel was created using holy graphene. Weighing 1.83 kilograms it can slice through unholy foes as if they were paper. Be extremely careful while cleaning it. It's just as deadly to you as it is the enemy." I look at the blade in awe as he explains it. Seras joins me in examining it. The blade shines a beam of light onto the tall guys leg. It burns and disintegrates the leg. I quickly put it in its sheath. "Oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't know it would!-" I stop talking and watch as he effortlessly regrows his leg. "No need to worry. Even if it hit my heart. I'm omnipresent so I'd be fine." *he really just said that so casually huh.* everyone chuckles and I join in after a bit. I then examine the next weapon

 I then examine the next weapon

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Edgar speaks up again. "The wolf. A close to mid range repeater shotgun. 40 cm barrel the spread of its 30 pellet buckshot made of blessed metals from around the world are amazing for hitting large areas. It also has slugs made of ultra condensed blessed salt for larger single targets." I nod and feel the weapons in my hands.

This was all so sudden but at the same time I couldn't help but feel like I was more then ready for this. "Welcome alice wright, To the hellsing organization." The gray haired woman says and I look up to her with a determined look.

A few days later. after I'm in the training hall wearing my new uniform, with Edgar B dalton. Hellsing butler and former exorcist. He has the ability to create mystical swords. He can give them different properties as well. "Be sure to prioritize speed over power with your swings. Your blade can cut freaks like a hot knife through butter. Also remember never hold back. Even if it's just a training match with an old gent like me." He says while creating and grabbing a dark green rapier. I make a mental note and nod. Taking out my sword, I quickly dash to him slashing his way. He parried the attack and makes one of his own going straight for my chest. My newly heightened senses allow me to dodge quickly. Now to the side of him I'm able to strike his hip with the pummel, followed by a kick to the back. He winced a little and makes good distance between us. "Very good." He says while placing his hand on the ground. Several blades shoot up from the ground in a path snaking towards me. I hop up onto the blades and run across them making my way too Edgar. He smirks as I stab at him narrowly missing his brain. The sword can't be more them 1 or 2 centimeters away from his head. "It seems the match goes to you. Well done." We both smirk and put our weapons away. We turn to see Alucard clapping. "My my. You're already leagues better then the police girl was when she was starting out." He chuckles to himself and walks up to me. I gulp a little at his shear aura. Integra comes out of him. "It's time for your first assignment. I'm sure you know of millennium." I nod at the name. The nazis behind the massacre. Well half of it at least. "We took down their leader and main operations 30 years ago, but a few stragglers have survived. We've uncovered plans for an assault in Rome, you and seras will be sent while me and Alucard have to attend an important meeting." She gives me the briefing and seras joins us. I give a nod. "Well then, let's get moving." I say smirking. Honestly excited for my first mission. Integra smiles and lights a cigar. "Search and destroy!"

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Jan 18, 2023 ⏰

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