Prologue : 1

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( Billy's POV )




"Continuing on Nugget's list— Next up is... Drum roll please.." Nugget said looking at Billy hoping he'd cooperate and thankfully Billy did!
"It's Oswald!"
"Oswald the lucky rabbit?" Billy asked
"No! Not that Oswald! But Nugget does have respect for you, that you know who that rabbit is.."
"But let's now—"
"I can hear you, you know Nugget." A red head spoke while glaring at Nugget
"Ah there you are Oswald!" Nugget greeted who Billy assumed was 'Oswald'.
"Righttt.. Well hey Billy. My name is Oswald but if you're a good friend of mine then you can call me Ozzy"
"Ultimate Nurse."
"Wow a Nur—!" Billy got cut off before he could finish
"Yeah no. I'm going to talk to Madison now." Ozzy responded then walked away

"That was kind of rude.." Billy murmured
"Even if Oswald may be rude, at least he is above Bully Buggs!" Nugget exclaimed to Billy
"Ah—! You heard that?!" Billy responded surprised
"Was Nugget not supposed to?" Nugget asked
"I— Well not exactly— Forget it!"
"Okay! Next on Nugget's list is.. Monty"
"Monty? You mean that one animatronic?"
"Nugget questions on how you forgot everyone here, but you know who Oswald the lucky rabbit is and Monty the animatronic.."
"Well that doesn't matter! Let us go meet Monty!"

Billy noticed Nugget was walking towards a ginger haired guy, and Nugget was waving at the guy
"Do you need something Nugget?" The ginger guy asked
"Of course! Well.. It's not exactly what Nugget needs, but it's something Nugget's friend needs!" Nugget responded
"Hmm.. Let me guess.."
"Billy needs me to re-introduce myself to him?"
"It's like you read my mind!" Billy said
"Well it's pretty obvious after all.. You and Lily had a small uh.. Argument? Not sure argument might be a strong choice of words.."
"Well guess I shouldn't overthink it. My name is Monty the ultimate technologist."
"Monty.. A technologist.. I'm pretty sure I've heard of you before!" Billy exclaimed
"Well I have been on some TV shows before.. So that might be where you know me from." Monty responded
"Well you two should get going now, I think there's two twins waiting for you.." Monty mentioned
"Huh?" Billy looked behind him and indeed saw two identical twins, the only way you could tell the difference would be their eye color.. (Clothes and hair could be changed at anytime.)

"Hello!" One of them greeted, while the other—
"So Teddy.. Why these two?"
"Well.. I thought they look cool is all!" The other twin responded
"Sure.. Well before Billy gets confused between the both of us, My name is Felix."
"While the one beside me is Teddy."
"But my real name is actually Theodore.. But for short call me Ted!"
"And we're the ultimate business men!/." (There's a slash between '!' and '.' because ! is Ted while . Is Felix because their saying it at the same time.)
"Oh! That must be cool! So you guys are probably rich right?" Billy asked
"A bit rude to assume that all business people are rich but.. Yes." Felix responded
"Sorry!" Billy apologized
"No big deal—!"
"Don't take everything Felix's says is serious.. It's just his tone of voice.." Ted whispered to Billy
"You know I heard you right?" Felix interrupted
"Okay then! Then what did I say to Billy?!" Ted said seeming slightly irritated
"Woah there Teddy.. Calm down. You need to control your emotions if you're going for a business career." Felix added
"I.. Fine." Ted sighed
"Well if you two will excuse us, we shall be leaving now."

"What a weird duo.." Billy said looking at Nugget
"Hey, you were silent the entire time they were talking.. Is something on your mind?"
"Oh—!.. It's nothing.. Nugget is just thinking about someone.."
"Aww, do you have a crush?~" Billy said teasing Nugget
"Hey! Nugget doesn't mean it like that!" Nugget responded while Billy chuckled
"Sure Sure.. Now let's get back to your list!" Billy added
"Ah right! Next on Nugget's list is—"
"Hey Nugget! Can I talk to you for a little bit?" Lily called
Nugget looked at Billy in a way that he was asking 'Is it fine if I?..' Then Billy looked at him like he was saying 'Go ahead.'
Then Nugget went to Lily, Billy was thinking on what he should do while Nugget was chatting with his sister..
( * I know! Maybe I should try to get people to re-introduce themselves to me! After all Nugget introduced me to almost all of them! Just need to find the rest.. * )
( * But I should probably count on how many are left, Hmm.. Let's see.. 1.. 2.. 3.. and— * )
"Four!" Billy jumped at the sudden voice as he wasn't expecting someone to come up to him.
"Ah—! Oh uh.. Hello!" Billy greeted even though he was still a little startled
"Your name is Billy right?" Said the.. Girl with brown hair and a ponytail
"Yes— That's me!" Billy responded
"Well, my name is Carla! And I'm the ultimate skateboarder!"
"Oh wow! A skateboarder I've always wondered what it was like to ride a skateboard.." Billy said amused
"Well I'd be glad to show you! It's just.. Now is not the best time." Carla responded
"You can say that again.."
"Anyways— That's all I needed from you, just wanted to re-introduce myself to you."
"I'm gonna get going now! See you later! (Or maybe never..)"

"Well.. At least that's one down. Three more left." Billy looked around trying to find any unfamiliar faces—
And just his luck! He found the last 3 people! He decided to approach them without hesitation.
"Hello!" Billy greeted them
They all looked at Billy and he seemed a little uneasy, but then—
"Aww! You're so cute!" A girl said wearing a purple dress
"I say he should be the mascot of our band!"
"Alice.. He just wants us to re-introduce ourselves him. He probably is really confused right now." Another one said with short black hair
"What Madison said!" Said a boy with a red jacket
"Uhm.. Can I speak now?.." Billy asked a little hesitant
"You could've always spoke Billy, sorry about Alice there.. She just loves meeting new people/re-meeting old people."
"It's no problem!"

"Yep Madison correct! Sorry about it! As an apology I will re-introduce myself (and my friends) to you!"
"My name is Alice, I'm the ultimate Pianist!—"
"Then that's Madison, she's the ultimate Violinist"
"Then finally we have Ron! He's my best buddy! He's the ultimate Guitarist and we're basically a small band!" Alice finished, re-gaining her breathe
"Wow you guys are really talented to know how to play any musical instrument!" Billy praised
"Why thank you!" Ron responded
"Anyways— So Billy.. What do you think about being our ma—"
"Not happening Alice." Madison cut her off
Alice looked at her with a frown then cross her arms, Madison just sighed in response
"I sometimes question why I'm friends with you guys.."
"That's because you love us!" Ron chuckled
"Well you guys have fun with that.. I'll just get back to Nugget and Lily!" Billy said then walking away

As Billy was walking towards Nugget and Lily he then remembered about Kid and Jerome saying that they had 'business' to attend to.
Billy tried to look for them and just as he was about too— They shortly arrived.
"Hey guys! What took you guys so long?" Billy asked them
"Like I said. It's personal business, can't tell you." Kid responded, while Jerome seemed a little anxious.
"Something wrong Jerome?" Billy said concerned about his friend.
"Huh— Oh! Uhm.. Yeah! I'm definitely fine!"
Just as Billy was about to say something Jerome quickly changed topics, "So uh.. Did Nugget introduce you to everyone here?"
"Oh! Actually yeah! But not all of them.. Nugget had to talk to Lily when there was still 4 left so I made them re-introduce themselves to me instead!" Billy responded
"That's great! So you're familiar with everyone here now right?" Billy nodded in response
"Billy I need to talk to you about—" Kid got cut off by...




[ WORD COUNT : 1273 ]

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