Prologue : 3

40 4 3

( Billy's POV )




"I think it's better if we explore first.. But also keep someone here to wait." Billy said
"Not a bad idea, but who would even want to stay here? (or more specifically who has that kind of patience..)" Ozzy responded
"Well then.. I suppose I shall be the one to wait here." Felix added
"Oh... You're not going Felix?" Ted asked
"Teddy I am perfectly fine on my own, please do not worry- worrying is not a way to be a business man!"
"You always use that excuse.." Ted murmured
"Well then guess it's settled we're exploring. But this place is pretty big don't you think we should split into groups?" Madison suggested
"Oh that's right! there's like 16 of us— well excluding Felix." Carla mentioned
"We should split into 5 groups with 3 people being in each." Monty said
"Maybe we should let Lily pick for this one, because she's also a leader too!" said Billy

"Aww Billy that's so sweet of you!" Lily responded
"Oh!— Boohoo! So sweet, so cute,"
"Just get on with the groups already!" Cindy exclaimed
"Rude.. But here's what've come up with!
Ted, Monty & Ozzy for the 1st group.
Alice, Ron & Madison for the 2nd group—"
"Woohoo! I get to be with my best friends!" Alice cheered
"Yeah, yeah, no one cares." Cindy rolled her eyes
"Then uhm.. Penny, Carla & Buggs for the 3rd group, Billy, Jerome & Cindy for the 4th group—"
"Why do I have to be with your loser brother?!" Cindy cut off Lily
"It's either me or Billy!— No offense Billy. And I bet you'd prefer to be with him instead of me!" Lily cried


"That's what I thought.. Anyways it should be obvious who's in the 5th group, Me, Nugget & Kid" Lily finished
"Well then.. Let's get exploring!!" As soon as Alice said that she ran straight out of the building to— Most likely explore.
"Hey Alice!— Wait for us!" Madison responded as she ran out of the building, with Ron following
"Guess that means we should get exploring too," Monty mentioned
"Fine, Fine, let's just get this over with. As long as they won't be any dirt involved." Ozzy walked out of the Building (With Monty & Ted following obviously).

And then group 3 & 5 went out as well.. The only group that hasn't exited yet is group 4, and it should be obvious on why..
"I am not going with you two." Cindy complained
"Well fine stay here, and if we find an escape to this place we won't tell you." Billy responded
"What— Hey!— That's like... Bribery?!" Cindy cried
Jerome chuckled, "You figure that out" said Jerome as him and Billy walked out of the building following behind was an upset Cindy.
Billy looked around and could already see the other groups searching almost every corner of this place.. Kind of creepy and disturbing but at least they were trying! Right? Billy thought to himself

Jerome suggested that they should investigate a place that a group hasn't searched yet, Billy agreed with it but as for Cindy, well.. She wasn't in the mood to talk to them at the moment so.. Guess they'll just have to assume she'll agree with them.
However the only place so far that has not been searched by a group yet— Was an ominous building, it looked pretty old too.. No wonder none of the groups has investigated it yet it was too scary..

But having no other choice Billy & Jerome walked towards the building but when Cindy realized where they were headed to she argued "Woah! Woah! I am not going in there!" You could obviously tell she was frightened by the appearance of the building.
"Come on Cindy! You know people say, never judge a book by it's cover." Jerome responded
"Nope! Nope! And the whole— wE wOn'T tElL yOu If We FiNd An ExIt thing will not work in this situation."
"Okay then.. I guess you can stay outside with Jerome." Billy sighed both Jerome and Cindy had a surprised expression on their faces, and you could tell what they were thinking
"Why am I staying outside with Jerome/Cindy?!" They both yelled

"W-well.. I was kind of thinking I don't wanna risk your guys lives so.. Incase there is any danger that lies inside this building, at least you guys will be safe!" Billy exclaimed
Jerome and Cindy paused for a while and were both processing what Billy had just said, now there was rather an awkward feeling around them.. So Billy decided to just go with his plan thinking that his friends wouldn't stop him but just as he was about to turn around to face the building Cindy stopped him

"Okay, okay fineee, I'll go with you guys.. Just s-stop with this cheesy stuff alright?!" Cindy stuttered
"Ahah.. I wasn't expecting you to say that Billy.. But that motivated me to believe in my allies." Jerome chuckled
Billy wasn't expecting this kind of reaction but it wasn't like he wasn't happy with the result, he's glad he could lighten up the mood and their spirits!
"Okay then..! Let's go!" Billy said running into the building gleefully with Cindy and Jerome shortly following
But the mood quickly changed as soon as they entered the building. There was cobwebs everywhere, the place was very dim and their was this weird feeling where you would feel like you're being watched.. But trying to remember his own words Billy built up the courage to inspect the building..!

"Does someone have any source of light?" Billy asked
"Nope." Cindy replied
"Hmm.. Ohh..! That's right!" Jerome exclaimed
"W-what is it?!" Cindy said slightly disturbed
"My star clip on my head can glow!"
"Then could we use it?!.." Billy felt relieved knowing know that they wouldn't be searching in the dark, some clicking noises could be heard coming from Jerome which Billy and Cindy assumed was him attempting to turn on his star clip on for it to glow and eventually.. You could see a green light illuminate the gloomy place, Cindy sighed of relief and quickly snatched it and tossed it over to Billy because well, he is the "Leader" after all.

"Wow Cindy! It feels nice that you want to actually help us! Hehee.." Billy let out a small giggle
"Ohh— Shaddup! Just lead us or something!!" Cindy cried, Billy rolled his eyes and started to look around properly thanks to the new light he has.
There was 3 different things that caught Billy's attention, An open drawer, a switch on the wall, and what seemed to be.. An elevator.
But before he would radomly approach one of the 3 he though carefully just incase they might be traps, Smart Billy.. And the most safest option he thought would be the open drawer, if someone had already opened it surely it should be safe right?! Billy thought to himself and shared his Idea with Cindy and Jerome as well—




[ WORD COUNT : 1168 words ]
A/N :

Sorry for the super long delay and that this chapter might be a little sucky, just wanted to update ya'll and remind ya'll that I'm not dead! Oh btw I think the reason I couldn't write was writers block, but hopefully I'll be able to start writing again!!

[DISCONTINUED] Kinderonpa: another despairful game / Kindergarten x DanganronpaWhere stories live. Discover now