Prologue : 2

57 4 2

( Billy's POV )




A sudden noise that seemed to be coming from an out of no where TV screen, the TV must've been really old because it took a long time for it to actually turn onWell at least assuming that it'd turn on but anyway it was also making tons of noises. (Like glitching and scratching, etc.)
"Oh my gosh! Someone turn that TV off! It's getting really annoying!" Cindy yelled
"Hold on! Let me try to check it.." Monty said
"Well you better hurry!" Cindy responded, as Monty tried to fix the TV all of a sudden it turned on.

" Monty said"Well you better hurry!" Cindy responded, as Monty tried to fix the TV all of a sudden it turned on

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"Please enter through the door all questions will be entertained later in, thank you." That's all we heard from the TV then it shut down once again, we were all confused what door the person inside the TV meant but then we heard rumbling sounds and our surroundings suddenly started to shake.
"Oh no—?! Is it an earthquake?!" Penny cried
"Take cover!!"
"If I die someone post my death on social media!" Cindy said
"Yeah, no one is gonna do that." Felix responded, then as soon Felix finished saying that the rumbling stopped and a door appeared in front of us.
"So... Who's going first?" Ron asked
"I will," Billy said— everyone then looked at Billy. Hesitantly Billy walked towards the door then once he got there he opened it and walked in. Well.. That's all he remembered, after he went in his mind went blank.
Billy found himself lying on the ground and sleeping, but he got rudely interrupted by the sunlight—
"Wait.. Sunlight?" Billy thought to himself

Once Billy realized, he immediately got up and indeed saw sunlight. ( * Was.. That all just a bad dream?.. * )
Billy had loads of questions running through his mind but none of them could be answered. As Billy was lost in thought he came back to his sense after hearing his name getting called
"Billy!!" It sounded like Lily, so obviously knowing the fact that Billy's own sister was calling him means he was definitely 'missing' from the supposedly group.
So he got up and was about to walk towards Lily when he felt something move in his pocket, curiously Billy decided to check it out

"Huh?.. What's this?"

 What's this?"

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' Guidelines.
1: Attempting to leave is prohibited.
2: Feel free to explore with no restrictions.
3: Do not break anything part of the school premises.
4: Some areas are off limits at night time, ( Night time starts at 7PM-6AM ).
5: Do not attack the principal they will cause serious consequences.
6: Any additional info will be added! '


"I guess these rules are reasonable.. But what does it mean by— 'Serious Consequences'?" Billy thought not even questioning why they can't leave
( * Well.. Better go to Lily now. Maybe she knows what's happening! * )
Then Billy put the strange device back into his pocket and ran to Lily, once Lily saw Billy was okay and not hurt she sighed of relief.
"Billy! So this is where you've been!" Lily exclaimed
"I'm glad that your okay Lily but.. Where are the others?" Billy asked
"Oh don't worry, their just somewhere in there." Lily pointed to a huge building that was beside them that Billy didn't even notice
"Well we should probably head back to the group so they don't think something happened to us." Lily mentioned, Billy nodded.
They both started to walk to the building and as they were— ( * I wonder.. How did that door lead us to here? Is this even the real Lily? Did they actually go in the door? What if— * ) Billy's mind once again got loaded with questions that he didn't notice where he was going! He hit his head against the building wall and Lily came to his aid

"Billy are you okay?!" Lily cried
"Oww.. Yes.. I'm fine—!" Billy responded trying to pretend it didn't hurt
"Well.. How didn't you notice you were walking straight to the wall? Is something on your mind?" Lily said concerned
"Well..— I'm just.. Worried about the others is all!" Lily was slightly suspicious over what Billy said but went along with it.
"Okay then, just to make sure that you don't walk into a wall again let me hold your hand." Lily suggested and Billy complied

Once they got in they immediately got greeted by both Jerome and Nugget, "Billy!" Exclaimed both.
"Are you okay?!" Jerome asked
"Yeah I am— But what about you guys? This question applies to everyone" Billy said
"Well Nugget is doing very good! And it's relieving to know that Billy is also okay!" Nugget responded
"Say.. Can I ask what happened after I walked in the door?"
"You sorta just disappeared and because Lily was so worried on what could/could've happened to you she ran just shortly after." Felix mentioned
"It's scary to have your sibling randomly disappear through a door! I bet Ted would feel the same about you!" Lily exclaimed while looking at Ted
"Yeah! That definitely would be scary..."
"I guess I'd be slightly worried too." Felix added
"Enough with the— Are you okay? What happened? Blah blah." Cindy interrupted
"What I wanna know is, what are we supposed to be doing now? The woman from the TV said to enter the door but now that we've already done that.."
"What now? Are we supposed to explore or just wait for something to happen?" Cindy asked
"That's a good question actually.." Said Penny

"Well I think the first thing we should do is decide who our leader is gonna be!" Alice suggested
"That sounds like a good idea!" Ron added
"And may I ask what is 'leader' supposed to mean?" Felix responded
"Well.. Someone who will lead us!"
"You guys are idiots." Felix murmured
"Why don't we just use rock, paper, scissors?" Jerome asked
"What kind of—" Felix got cut off by everyone agreeing, Felix face palmed.
"Maybe it'll be easier to do in separate groups? So whoever wins in those groups will compete until there's only one left standing?" Buggs said
"Doesn't seem like a bad idea," Billy shrugged
( After all groups did rock, paper, scissors thingy in the end Billy won yay! And that's the story on how Billy became the protag! /hj )


"I can't believe I lost to some loser kid!" Buggs was definitely salty,
"Well at least you didn't lose to his ugly sister." Cindy was apparently also salty.
"Don't mess with siblings!" Billy chuckled while Lily grinned
"Well all I hope is that you guys will be responsible." Ozzy responded (Both Lily AND Billy won as leaders)
"SO ANYWAYS... What are we going to do now LEADERS?" Cindy asked while still being upset over the fact she lost
"I'll let you decide this one Billy! What should we do?" Lily cheered (is this the right word??)
"Maybe we should..."

> [ Explore first ] <
> [ Wait for a while ] <




[ WORD COUNT : 1176 ]
Sorry for ending it a bit short! I want you guys to actually decide what you want to happen :))

[DISCONTINUED] Kinderonpa: another despairful game / Kindergarten x DanganronpaWhere stories live. Discover now