Prologue : 4

40 3 0

( Billy's POV )




"Well if you think it's safe.. Then go ahead." Jerome said, Billy looked Cindy to see what she thinks, she just nodded. So they walked towards the open drawer and Billy took a peek to see what was inside and there was numerous pieces of paper, a whole folder for it.. Billy hesitated to read it as it could be something bad, but because Billy wanted to make sure Billy grabbed the folder and called to Jerome and Cindy to check out the document.

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/ Document 001 / Candidates / PO

Billy : Assigned as the ultimate experimented student
Survival Rate : ////

( Looks like this part is crossed out.. Can't read it right now I suppose. )
"It's as if it was originally written but it got covered for reasons.." Cindy spoke

Info : Is usually carefree at first but once things get serious he will start to take things seriously.

( ...? This is.. Exactly how some people described me at school.. Maybe it's just a coincidence, don't over think it Billy )
"This is starting to get disturbing." Jerome stated, feeling uncomfortable to continue and ends up trying to investigate the other stuff—

Album :
[ Insert numerous amount of photos of Billy, but I'm too lazy for that lmao. ]

( What is this... It's like a very personal document.. It knows my name, my 'trauma', personality and even pictures of me.. I feel sick, I can't read this anymore.. )
Billy put the paper back inside the document, then returns the folder back into the drawer trying to forget he ever read it. Billy wanted to see what Jerome was inspecting, but he felt a little surprised to see that the switch was the one to catch Jerome's attention but decided to let him be and investigate the elevator with Cindy- But unfortunately it seemed like any regular elevator you'd see inside of a mall.

"Should we try to use it?" Cindy suggested
"I don't see why we shouldn't," Billy responded
"But the real question is.. Who should go inside?"
Jerome said suddenly appearing out of no where, which made the 2 jump in surprise.
"Geez Jerome at least say you finished investigating that switch thingy.." Cindy complained (Idk if this is the right word lmao)
"Sorry, but you two should really think before you do!" Jerome added
"You don't know what might've happened if I didn't interfere.. But you guys probably wanna know what I found while inspecting the switch right?" Jerome mentioned trying to change the topic to hopefully lighten up the mood

"It's not like you found anything too mind blowing, it's just a switch." Cindy responded
"You might be surprised then.. What I actually found was a note hidden inside the switch turns out it was a decoy." Jerome pulled out the note he had found
"What?! Let me see that!" Cindy snatched the note from Jerome's hand and began to read it out loud
" To anyone who is reading this you need to get out of here now. I was with 15 other people here originally.. But now it's just me. This place is a nightmare I'm writing this as fast as I can before they get me, the same thing might happen to you don't risk it.. GET OUT OF HERE!! "
There was an awkward silence for a moment but Cindy crumbled up the paper and tossed it to the floor, "pff.. Are you guys gonna actually believe that? If the person really was in a hurry why use punctuation and underline it? I bet this guy is just messing with us." Cindy said
"I guess you have a point.. But should we tell the others?" Billy asked
"It's probably best not too.. Don't wanna make the situation worse than it already is." Jerome added
"Does this put an end to our investigation now? Gosh, and I thought being with you two idiots would make things more difficult but I guess not."
"Cindy don't forget the main thing here! We still haven't done anything with it!" Billy exclaimed
"We can just tell the others when we meet up no big deal." Cindy proceeded to walk out of the building as she said that
"Oh yeah Jerome— Here's your clip! We should probably go back too, the others might already be back"
"You have a point.." Jerome put his clip back on, then Billy & Jerome walked out of the 'gloomy' building.

Surprisingly the other hasn't returned yet, guess their group investigation went by fast.. Sure didn't feel like it though but nonetheless they decided to just wait for the others to finish their part of the investigation each of them doing their own thing (Cindy, Jerome & Billy)— Jerome was just trying to relax, while Cindy was just standing there left alone with her thoughts probably really wonder what's going through her head. Then there was Billy who was attempting to start a conversation with Felix but didn't get so far they just greeted each other is all, no "How are you?" And stuff like that Billy was most likely getting a message from Felix saying: "I'm not in the mood to chat'
So during the time of waiting it was just awkward silence which unfortunately happened most of the time because most of them either couldn't bring the courage to talk someone else or they aren't good at making conversations or just simply don't want to.

( * After some time passed.. * )

Billy noticed one of the groups returning, it looked like group 2— Alice, Madison and Ron, Alice still appears to be in high spirits but Madison and Ron seem exhausted.. Wonder if it was because of the heat or Alice was talking too much.
"Oh hey guys! Didn't expect you guys to be here so quickly" Alice greeted, Billy slightly chuckled "Honestly same, I didn't think we'd finish so fast. Especially since we were with Cindy—"
"It just for this one time okay?!" Cindy exclaimed cutting off Billy
"Well that aside, how did your guy's investigation go? What did you find? I'm gonna assume that you discovered a lot considering how long you guys took." Jerome asked




[ WORD COUNT : 1055 words ]

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