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the truth behind the
terrifying      dreams

It was already midnight and the scarlet haired woman was still reading her favorite book . Since her schedule was busy every day with such time-consuming tasks, quiet nights like this provided the best opportunity to enjoy herself. Her favorite tale at the moment was of two heavenly maidens. It is said the two fought to the death for the love of a man. In her opinion, it was quite a beautiful tale.

Her long silky scarlet hair, which was usually elegantly braided, was loose. She wore a simple oversized button-up shirt as her nightwear. Irene giggled and crossed her shapely thighs as she read.

Irene's often asked by the interviewer who had caught her always reading such tragic books, to which she simply responded that it was merely for entertainment, but in reality it was such a true myth.

a few moments later Irene heard a gentle knock on the door and whimpers and soft crying as she sipped her wine. "It's open my dear " she called out. Her bedroom door opened and at the frame it was Selenia

wait? did she not mention she had a child oh well its not her child, it was her father's child— hades's child that she whom treated her like her very own daughter, since she was in her arms.

selenia was the youngest of all children of hades, not just the youngest i must say she is the last child of hades . She is now four years old, and she was, in Irene's own words,  "The most adorable and precious little girl ever!" 

Little Selenia clutched her stuffed green horned snake as she cried. "Mommy!" she cried out as tears poured down her sweet innocent face.

Irene set her book down on her night table and opened her arms. Little selenia ran to embrace her. Irene cradled the little girl against her chest. 

"Selenia do you mind telling your mommy, what's wrong?" she softly asked the sniffling little girl in her arms.

"I had a scary dream."

"Aww, don't worry, Mommy is here shhh,” she cooed. She lifted selenia onto her comfy bed and gently laid down and draped the blankets over themselves.

The little girl clung to her mom tightly, still visibly frightened by her nightmare. Irene smiled as she gently stroked Selenia's short red hair.

selenia was prone to having nightmares, so quite often, the little girl would come crying in the middle of the night. Irene tried many different methods to help her sleep better. She tried nightlights, reading happy bedtime stories, lots of cuddling, and even spending nights in Selenia's bed. But nothing seemed to work.
The last time selenia had a scary dream was because her idiot italian half-brother Nico but sweet came to visit his half-sister Selenia and thought it would be a brilliant idea to read her a horror novel as a bedtime story .

"Can you tell me what you saw in your dream?" irene looks at her violet red shade eyes wanting an answer.

Selenia shakily looked at her mother's eyes, Seeing her little girl so frightened honestly broke Irene’s heart, she was whimpering and shaking in fear.

"A scary bald man with no nose , holding up a 'stick' and chanted something as a green bolt shot towards me— us , there is the two of us me and this boy that i dont know who beside me in a crib in my dream but everything suddenly went black before i could react to the dream, mommy im scared im so so scared that the bald man with no nose would take me or kill me- ”

“ shhh dont worry my dear it was just a silly fantasy dream full of tragical and terrifying moment it just a creation of your dream my dear.  .”

As she knew that ‘The bald man with no nose’ was nothing new. It was quite a recurring nightmare for the little girl. Sadly, Irene knew who this ‘monster’ was. It was Voldemort from the other dimension who had she knew who murdered her daughter's  parents, and had given them a curse leading her to have this terrifying dream that came over and over again, and it was a good thing she came by and had taken her away from that cruel world.

by the help of her father's senses it had called her to help her half sister from danger as hades also had given her a task to protect Selenia which she knew this wasn't just the only reason, there is something her father didn't tell her about his plans.

Irene would tell Selenia the truth about her nightmare one day, but for now, she still too young, too fragile and innocent so new to this world. one day she will knew or else she will let selenia opens up the truth.

as mother irene gently stroked selenia's head as the little girl snuggled against her for comfort. After a short while, selenia managed to calm herself.  After suffering from a frightening dream, Wendy felt safe in the warm and loving embrace of her mama.

Irene leaned to whisper into selenia's ear.
“ dont worry my child, iwill always protect you from any scary monsters, selenia, and not just me, your father your half-siblings will too we will always be with you ."

Wendy slowly looked up as she clutched her stuffed horned chibi snake oh well....

"You promise?"

Irene chuckled. "Yes, i absolutely promise."

The little girl smiled and let a sigh of relief before closing her eyes and snuggling into Irene’s chest. It didn’t take long for her to fell asleep.

Irene took this moment to admire her daughter, half sister Selenia she was honestly such a kind little thing. She loved to play and cared very much for her family and animals. She had heard from a magical daycare instructor that Selenia would often use her magic to heal her playmates’ cuts and scrapes. That itself was kind of a funny thought for Irene.

Selenia possessed God-Slaying Magic , do you know why? it is because she is a demigod and there is some rumors about the prophecy that in the future there is someone who will possess this power and will stop the War of the Gods , and that was something she only knew and was somehow sealed in her mind.

Irene yawned loudly. All this talk about gods and magic had made her quite tired. It was pretty late already, and she had to get up early in the morning to make breakfast. She supposed she would just have to finish reading her book some other time.

Irene turned off her lamp and tucked herself under the blanket. Irene wrapped her arms around selenia.  That way, she wouldn’t freeze during the night. Irene closed her eyes and felt the sleep creeping. Her consciousness slowly fading until she drifted off into a nice pleasant slumber.

For the rest of the night, the two dreamt of sweet candies and everything was happiness and piece. sweetly the god of dreams must given them a sweet special dream to have a nice sleep. . .

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authors message.

Alright this is just the second chapter and i will soon try my best to create much very longer chappy . And don't forget to review and vote . Byee 3>

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