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time skip . . 5 years later
                      — Selenia was 10-11 y/o

It had been 5 years past and everything change so quickly , Selenia was already magically powerful she had already mastered high enchantment at her very young age, it is very rare to see a child learning so fast — while hades is very proud, learning his demigod children were powerful heck he would automatically be clapping in satisfaction.

Irene Belserion was always on selenia's side the one who always been there and guides her in the right way, Irene was the one who teaches her advancingly , since she was a demigod danger is always near her and that is why she needed to make her stronger so that whenever irene wasn't on her side she could protect herself and so were her friends and love ones too.

Selenia had grown very polite and brave, not to mention she became so cunning and tricky whenever there is an enemy, thanks to hades she inherited it from him, every day she grows stronger that irene almost teaches her and tell her everything but there is something she still haven't confess to selenia.

and it was ....

the truth about her DREAM— whenever selenia would have this weird terrifying dream irene wouldn't dare to speak about the truth , it was like something was putting a seal in her mouth so that she couldn't tell her about it.

every dream  . . 

has    its    TRUTH

but everytime selenia would look onto her mother irene's eyes there was something in it that she couldn't read she couldn't comprehend.  something that she keeps hiding from her selenia, everytime she told her this dream and always ask her about it her mother's answer was always been repeating and repeating as everytime this happens she had grown a suspicion towards her mother.

“ Mother why am i always had this dream ? over and over again? I can't stand it anymore! ”

“ Selenia my dear its nothing it was just a silly fantasy dream created by your mind . ”

her words keeps on repeating , it was like Irene had no words to tell about this dream, its very confusing.

‘ one day, you will know the truth selenia but not now . . .  but soon i shall tell you all about it ’ irene always swore under her breath wishing that the perfect time will come and so that she could tell her the truth.

It was her birthday she is finally 11 years old!

This is the year where she could attend to her dream school — Ilvermorny The School of Witchcraft and wizardry , a place where everyone is welcome, no-maj? pure blooded? half-blood? demigod? all of them were welcome there is no one who were not welcome,

Oh well, Lets go back to our birthday girl Selenia who was dancing with joy after she reads the letter of being accepted to Ilvermorny.

“ We must take that as part of your birthday my dear... your friends will be coming here as well as you half siblings . ” irene noted, ruffling her hair.

“ oh thank you mother your the best! ”

“ before i forgot , what gift do you want in your birthday? ”

and there, Selenia pauses sighing and determine to know something she wanted to know.

“ Mother- i want you to tell me the truth.. i know you're lying to me, i could see it through your soul ”
Irene only look down she's been lying to her- but somehow it had been for her sake of being in safety , but then she gave in...

“ i will child this evening after you party i will tell you the whole truth and nothing but the truth my child. ” she smiles at her kindly hugging her tightly as if she was scared to let go of her daughter.

“ thank you mother ” she mumbled .


everything in the party went well , everyone was enjoying it so far so good, alot of gifts as usual, as the time goes by everyone was gotten home , everything went back to normal as 12:00 ranged , Selenia was waiting for her mother in its room.

“ Oh my- you're here already ”

“ Its just im quite excited to know the truth? the overwhelming feeling mother- do you know that? ” her mother nodded in understanding as she closes the door huffing onto the bed beside her daughter.

“ Alright buckle up and listen carefully my dear. ”

Selenia snuggle on her as she begins to listen onto her story or i must say the truth.

“ before you were born, hades your real father was in a big fight with persephone, as for your real mother, Her name was Lily she was a red hair beautiful woman and a little bit like you, well back to the story Lily had also in a fight with her husband, and had decided to go to a bar as your father hades also went the same place they both met, had drunk themselves and had done a sexual thing.. after that hades knew that he will have another demigod child in order to forget everything to the woman he erases it from lily's mind and the good part was that , Lily is also pregnant with another child that is why he decided to go alonv with it and disappear . and thats how you have a half twin brother .. do you remember the boy in your dream beside you? ”

“ yes mother i still remember so does it mean he's my twin half brother? ”

“ yes my dear he is, you both had the same mother, but different father , but still even though your stepfather namely as james, didn't take notice about the oddness you were cause he believes you were his child too, well you look like your mom actually but not to your father, your eyes were really different from your step father. .

“ so what is the name of my twin? ”

“ his name was harry, and also the bald man with no nose? he was the one who killed your mother and stepfather his name was voldemort, an evil man who wanted to kill the more powerful than him. if you were wondering who am also i? and how did i know this? its because of your real father he told me everything too,but then i was late to help your parents I decided to take you away only because its for the best. and also i am not your mother i am your half-sister i was the daughter of hade too.. ” selenia was flabbergasted but smiled.

“ And since you know you were a demigod i had taken you away instead of the both of you, you were like a magnet of danger infact every single demigod were, because enemies is always everywhere. and its for the best to be away from your brother , once you were in danger he would be too.. ”

“ Now i know thank you for the gift mother, i really need it i really want it since then.. but now its finally happening thank you again.. and may i ever meet my twin half brother too? ”

“ You will soon my child but for now we must go to sleep cause tomorrow we will be getting you the requirements for your new school.. i want everything to be great and smooth. ”

“ Hmm great idea mother alright im also very sleepy well goodnight mother. ”

“ goodnight too sweetheart. ”

Irene and Selenia slept so wonderfully knowing that she already told her daughter the truth and her daughter already knew the Truth it feels so unbearable happiness and everything was so lightweight.


author's note !

hello hello thank you for reading this story that seems to be very messy and i am still also rewriting/re-editing the full info as well as the chapter one , and making it fully longer that i would thought it would be, also if you guys dont mind voting and drop some reviews of how this story went well- so i would knew what needs to be change cause honestly i only had wild imagination but im a mess when it comes on writing lmao.

sooner or later i will be editing this chapter. So chaoo

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